MATRIXSYNTH: Yamaha DD-8 1992 Drum Machine with Custom Mods

Monday, April 01, 2024

Yamaha DD-8 1992 Drum Machine with Custom Mods

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"Yamaha DD-8 1992 drum machine featuring a 20-point modulation patch bay. The unit also includes a joystick for immediate performance of four additional effects which are also combined on the diagonal axes for further processing options.

Both of these custom modifications unlock an array of original sounds and rhythmic variations; making a single connection on the patch matrix alters the output but applying multiple connections produces an increasingly complex, sometimes aleatoric range of reversed, tonal, bit crushed, flanged, distorted, aliasing and delayed sounds, additional accents, rhythmic patterns and digital noise. Additionally, the five included patch cables can be stacked for further sonic manipulation.

The DD-8 includes a wide range of rhythmic styles, sound effect samples, 9 percussion sets and echo, flam and roll effects.

The patch bay and joystick affect the 100 tempo adjustable onboard rhythms and, depending on the connections, the velocity sensitive drum pads. The 20 different preset drum and percussion sounds can be individually assigned to each pad. The unit functions as normal when the patch bay is not implemented.

Mains (9- 12v DC) and battery powered (6 x AA), features a 1/4" output, no onboard speaker."

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