MATRIXSYNTH: Those left behind | Spectralis 2 and Sequential Prophet 10

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Those left behind | Spectralis 2 and Sequential Prophet 10

video upload by MIDERA

"I received the email - I got to the top of the queue for the Cirklon. Why did I even sign up for it? I spent 3 years not preparing for it, just assuming some day I would have to make a decision, and now I'm here. What would it do for me I can't already do? My Spectralis does all I need, albeit, in maybe not the best way possible - but is there a best way? Sure, I can see the Cirklon does more, better, faster, but also maybe does things I don't care about.

I actually hate having a lot of gear hooked up. Slows me down. 3-4 pieces is good enough for me. If you can't make a song with only a few instruments, then I question whether you can make music at all (Ok, that's just me talking to myself about my own capacities - huge orchestras are built off of tons of instruments, I get it). What I make is simple, sad, and that's it. My music only speaks to me saying: some day - you will not be among the living and this music is being made to haunt those left behind.

I know the Cirklon is the 'best sequencer' out there... so maybe I just need to buy it and see for myself. I do know the Spectralis does stuff I really enjoy, like sequencing itself and other gear, using it as an FX processor to manipulate all sorts of things to the beat. Just a unique piece... I also know it so well.

Radikal Technologies Spectralis 2: Sequencing, Drums, Strings, Piano
Sequential Prophet 10: First sound you hear.
Eventide Blackhole VST: Reverb"

1 comment:

  1. The cirklon is really great - you'll love it, and if you don't love it sell it on to others further down the waiting list, at least try it.. Nice tune btw, just found it as I am selling my Spectralis, it's just not intuitive enough for me to just use occasionally.


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