MATRIXSYNTH: Is This The Best Ambient Synth EVER MADE??!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Is This The Best Ambient Synth EVER MADE??!!

video upload by Miles Away

"Review, sound demo and tutorial/walkthrough of the brand new Elta Music Solar 42 F synthesizer, a modern-vintage inspired experimental drone machine. Learn what’s new in the 42F update, how to use the SOLAR 42, and how it sounds (no-talking)."

0:00 - intro performance
1:49 - what is SOLAR 42F?
3:02 - original orchestral demo composition
4:49 - the sonic character of SOLAR 42F in melodic songs
6:37 - SOLAR 42 vs SOLAR 42F, what's new?
7:40 - exploring the swappable FX cartridge system
8:22 - String Ringer FX demo jam
9:51 - Generator FX demo jam with Strymon Night Sky
11:37 - Vibe FX cartridge jam with reverb
12:56 - Digital FX cartridge jam with distortion
13:45 - my favourite tip for recording SOLAR 42 in the studio
15:40 - tutorial / walkthrough of the front panel
16:36 - drone voices explained
19:07 - using the drone voices to make a chord progression
20:33 - VCO voices explained
23:23 - LFO Section
24:29 - VCO envelope and cross mod options
26:09 - sync and FM demo jam
27:37 - keyboard, scales and menu explained
28:26 - arpeggiator section options
29:59 - pressure control and hidden VCO vibrato LFO
31:34 - step sequencer demonstration
33:06 - special voices 3 & 6 explained
35:07 - sound design drone jam
36:39 - stereo filter section
38:43 - sample and hold patching
39:46 - contact mic & envelope follower
42:33 - joystick controller
43:31 - joystick and light sensor jam
44:55 - review with pros & cons
45:56 - should you buy this synth?
47:01 - outro jam

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