MATRIXSYNTH: MKSREC 1 - Upcoming 12-Bit Sampling Drum Machine Based on the E-Mu SP 1200

Monday, August 19, 2024

MKSREC 1 - Upcoming 12-Bit Sampling Drum Machine Based on the E-Mu SP 1200

video uploads by puesa

There are 10 videos in the embedded player above. Use the player controls to skip around. Note the first video is from four years ago, the last nine months ago. The last video in the second playlist below from Urb is from just two months ago. You'll find additional details below.


1. Front panel tests
Just playing around with my SP 1200 like sampler that I am building.
2. When you sample just at the right moment... 12 bit drum machine and sampler
Sampling Chaka Khan's 'Fate' on my 12 bit sampler. The sampling is working the same as in the OG. The 12-bit successive approximation register (AM2504) is being used together with 12-bit DAC (AD7541). On playback, it goes through AD7541 into 8-bit DAC (AD7524) working as VCA and then into a demultiplexer, that routes signal to its selected channel also original clock is being used to get the same ~26040Hz sampling rate. Sampler was connected to Mackie MS1202 so I could also hear the record while sampling.
3. Some progress
Playing samples at different tuning and then playing a segment.
4. More cowbell
Playing a song and a cowbell using repeat function. Sample from "(Don't fear) The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult.
5. Reading SP1200 floppies (images stored on an SD card)
Playing some samples from Steel Drums factory disk and then loading and playing a song from Rock Assortment 2 disk.
6. Some house music fun with dynamic filters.
Using MXR Digital Time Delay as an effect, mixed on Mackie CR1604 with Alesis 3630 on master.
7. A house tune
A house tune I started working on last weekend. The sampler now has, apart from the OG filters, a fully controlled analogue 3320 filters (cutoff, Q, envelope). It was mixed on my little Mackie MS1202 with Strymon Volante on Aux 1 for slight delay, Midiverb I on Aux 2 for reverb and Alesis 3630 on master. Channel 8 goes through Boss PH-3 pedal into DC-2W. Drums sampled from TR-6S and synths from JU-06A and everything else from vinyls. The second video goes through some samples and shows a bit of filter action. The third one shows the step sequencer.
8. Forever
Hello! Showing global muting (per channel, event based. There is also solo function), software filters and in this case controlling cutoff parameter for channel 5 and 6. Mixed on Mackie CR1604. Reverb from DP/4, delay from Strymon Volante and some widening with DC-2w. Mackie's stereo mix was then processed in the DAW (added limiting, compression and bit of EQ).
9. I made another house tune
Hello! In the meantime, I made another house tune. It seems to be pairing nicely with DP/4 and Strymon Volante. Mixed on Mackie CR1604. Development continues...
10. Butterflies
Showcasing some of the features - 16 voices polyphony (16+1 choke groups), 64 sample slots up to 13s each (832s total), digital filters with envelopes, .wav loading. Mixed on Soundcraft GB2R with UA Golden, DC-2w and Strymon Volante and 2bus processed in DAW.
Vides via Urb

video uploads by Urb


1. mksrec1 in progress
2. mksrec1 before the amp switch
3. Hunting views with MKSREC1 with ssm chips and a new amp
4. next one on the mks will be an sp1200 ahh sounding beat
5. Mksrec1 is coming soon I guess

And vid the interwebs:

"The sampler is still under development and now it is at the beta testing stage. This means that, if all goes well, it will most likely become available early next year, in limited quantity as for a period of time it is assembled by myself.

The sampler has the following features:

Audio path as the OG, including using the same DACs - 7541/7524.

8 channels and 16 voice polyphony (16+1 choke groups).

64 sample slots and total 832 seconds sample time (up to 13 seconds per pad).

2 dynamic analogue filters (SSI 2144) with limited cutoff and resonance controls and 4 static analogue low-pass filters.

Up to 2 digital multimode filters per sample, one with AHDSR envelope.

Up to 2 gain envelopes per sample (OG and AHDSR). AHDSR envelope can be used together with tuning.

Relative pitch function (it’s possible to fine tune the sample pitch after sampling).

Drive function with soft clipping.

Sample accurate sample trigger delay (to dial in (im)perfect groove).

8th & 16th based swing.

Event based channel mute and solo.

Setup functions can be used during playback.


SD card storage.

Load .wav files.

Load and play OG projects.

Balanced outputs.

All metal enclosure.

and more…

Dimensions of the sampler are:

W: ~43 cm, D: ~30 cm, Max H (incl. pots): ~14 cm.

Weighs just under 7 kg.

The sampler is intended to be used with a mixer, so there is no headphone output and no sample input monitoring.

Many people ask about the pricing. Unfortunately I can’t reveal it until the sampler becomes available, so please be patient. That said, the sampler will definitely cost more than £1000 but less than £4000."

1 comment:

  1. This looks cool! Do you have a web page?


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