MATRIXSYNTH: Korg Poly 61 converted to a 19" rack mount

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Korg Poly 61 converted to a 19" rack mount

video upload by Craig Barnes

"I built the Tauntek replacement CPU board for my Poly61 to add MIDI and extra options, better parameter resolution etc. Then I thought I could buy some Poly 61 boards and build another CPU board and try and build another 61 into a rack as a module rather than a keyboard. I bought a bunch of boards from Germany, unfortunately the anti board never arrived, but I got a voice board, clock board, rear panel and ARP board. Based on these I built a new front panel using the Korg schematics which included my version of the ARP board but with buttons instead of slide switches. I had some faults when I first powered it up, swapped power cable, missing power to an opamp etc. So after resolving these I had a bad sound from voices 1 & 6, these took a while to resolve as it turned out I had used the wrong resistor on my anti board build. It sounds great now, but suddenly an extra segment is illuminated in the displays and I've no ideas why yet. Still got the pitch bend to resolve too."

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