Monday, September 02, 2024

LARIX ELEKTRO Introduces TIME-SHIFTER Eurorack Module

video uploads by LARIX ELEKTRO

News Sept2024 TimeShifter
TIME-SHIFTER Presentation
TIME-SHIFTER technical explanation

"This is the new TIME-SHIFTER ! A "time machine" for eurorack.

Or how to shift after or before gate or trig signals.
Now, the module in depth.

The module was presented at SynthFest and SuperBooth, and is available on september 2024."


The Time-Shifter is a delay for gate or trigger signales.
As all good time machines it can delay after and before (!).

The first idea is to find a way to build a swing or a groove. So to decide which steps of which track is decayed, and how much.

To do this, it is necessary to be able to shift the events after and before. But before, we can't predict when an event will appear...

The solution is to decay everything, and then, decaying less than the others events.
So comparing to the new decaying events, it will sounds like it appear before.

The MAIN SHIFT defines this new reference.
So if you enter the main CLK signal into the input, the output of this circuit can be used as the new CLK reference.

The four circuits A B C and D works according to the value of the MAIN SHIFT reference:
- When the knob is centered, the time decay is the same.
- Left, means less time decay, so the event will appear before.
- Right, means more time, so the event will appear after.

Extend your module:
The module can be enriched by one expansion modules:
- The AttV-4 adds to the CV entries an adjustment of the CV value by an attenuverter.
The connectors on the back of the module save connectivity at the front.

Typical use:
- Groove (or swing, etc.) controlable by CV (!)
- Realignment of gates sequences.
(When using multiple sequencers with different latency)
- Signals sequencing adjustment.
(Be sur that a RST arrives at the right moment, for example)
(Be sur that a your S&H module sample after signal stabilization, for example)

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