Showing posts with label LARIX-ELEKTRO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LARIX-ELEKTRO. Show all posts
Thursday, February 06, 2025
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"New Eurorack module: Swiss knif of Time management, for GATE signals:
Trigger to Gate converter
Clock generator
Trigger delay
Ramp generator
Connector for the Shift-R module, to add Clock Division option.
Of course, as usual, with CV contrĂ´le and a lot of I/O.
Module available now, here:"
In fact, it's simple: it convert a trigger signal (hm, any signals) into a gate signal with CV controle of the time.
With its many inputs and outputs, it's the perfect companion to your favorite ADSR envelope.
It's also a clock generator, a rampe generator, and even a clock divider with the Shift-R extension.
The GATE output is augmented by 2 other outputs: START and END, which generate (as their name suggests) a trig at the beginning of the gate and one at the end.
The END allows this module to be used as a Trig delay, or to trigger another envelope at the end of a note, for example.
The START's output trig is generated each time a trig is received as input, even if the GATE is still active as output. Perfect for retriggering an envelope (if the corresponding entry exists on your module, of course...).
The GATE can be forced to zero by an RST input. (Think of HiHat Open and Close for example)
The input trig and RST each have a push button.
Finally, a switch allows the module to be transformed into a clock generator.
The input triggers the clock, and the RST stops it.
An additional output, not so common for this type of module, provides a ramp for the duration of the GATE.
This gives you access to a voltage that increases throughout the duration of the GATE.
Useful as is, or to send to a waveshaper for example.
The RITOURNELLE Shift-R, adds 8 trigger outputs.
The Rampe value is converted into an 8-bit word.
This allows for clock-type signals at smaller divisions than the duration of the GATE (or the clock in LOOP mode)
A kind of clock divider.
Friday, January 31, 2025
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"Drone, slow modification of the sound, this time more noisy and agressive.
Two DUAL UNDULA OSCILLATOR, one for the sound, one for the modulation.
The sound pass trough 2 voices of the 4TOMS, used as a noisy/fuzz box.
Modulation controlled and routed by the Attenuverter Bank.
Two Rampage for others modulations.
LE modules available online here:"
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"Drone, slow modification of the sound.
Two DUAL UNDULA OSCILLATOR, one for the sound, one for the modulation.
Modulation controlled and routed by the Attenuverter Bank.
Two Rampage for others modulations."
Friday, January 17, 2025
Secret weapons for live modular.
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"Secret weapons for live modular.
ok ok, It's a bit of an exaggeration…
But let's move on… It's just to call again about the RITOURNELLE serie.
This is a serie of module for sequencing. That is perfectly suited for live performances and improvisation.
No there is no random here, but algorithm. It means that you can retrieve the sequence you like, and play with it.
… and so, you're not the slave of the random...
All are available here:"
Friday, January 03, 2025
Modular perc generation with the UNDULA OSCILLATOR
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"The Dual undula Oscillator is a complexe oscillator, yes.
It can be a complete synth voice too, yes.
(And more…)
And it can be used as a perc generator. For very good kick drum sounds.
Thanks to the VCO topology, it can be used as a VCF, and so: 'pingable' !
Here some examples.
The module is available on our website only:"
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
No this is not one more boring matrix mixer ! it's more than that: The Attenuverter Bank
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"No this is not one more boring matrix mixer ! it's more than that:
It's a fully configurable bank of 16 attenuverter.
The Attenuverter Bank
Released a few months ago for the Eurorack modular world, several questions from curious people make me think that the module is not understood.
So not it's not a matrix mixer (hm...not only).
It's also a mixer, a dispatcher: a full routing module for audio and CV.
See more in this video, in an imaginary discussion between two people :)"
Thursday, November 28, 2024
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"New module(s)!
A very simple MULTIPLE module, 2HP.
But all pin are available at the back.
to configure as you want (jumpers)
to connect something else (insert cable)
Two versions:
8 jack
6 jack + 2 switches
Can be used to extend the 4TOMS or the UNDULA modules
... or for circuit bending/DIY
see more:"
Improve your TOMS
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"The 4TOMS (yes 4 toms) has plenty of CV capabilities. But only one CV input per voice (it needs place !)
With the MULTIPLE, you can have access to all the CV available."
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"In this video, we will see what we can add, and with which modules."
This is a configurable multiple module.
There are two versions: 8 jacks, or 2 switches + 6 jacks.
Of course, the package include only one module, not the two versions !
On the back, for each jack:
- Access to the tip of the connected jack cable.
- Access to the Normaled pin.
With the jumper, it's possible to select which one are connected to the internal bus, to connect multiple jacks together like classical multiple modules.
One more jumper to connect the internal bus of the 1 to 4 jacks with the internal bus of the 5 to 8 jacks.
The version with switches has three pins on the back for each switches.
The module can also be used as an extension to LE modules with hidden functionnalities:
The module is also useful for all modules with access point at the back, or to hack/modify modules.
Cables, to use the module as an extension, are not provided with the module."
Tuesday, November 05, 2024
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"Hm, in fact, we can plug any kind of signal, audio or CV, at any input.
Here so example how to use the module to process CV.
-Twisting the LFO waveform with the wavefolder.
-Ring modulation of two LFO.
-Twisting a sequence, etc."
Saturday, November 02, 2024
DUAL UNDULA OSCILLATOR, Stereo signal processor Part 2
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"Second example, with an acoustic signal:
Here a Theorbo, played by @Hamnaria-music
First, mono with the VCO as a filter and the wavefolder.
Then making the mono file stereo with Mid/Side processing."
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
DUAL UNDULA OSCILLATOR, Stereo signal processor
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"The DUAL UNDULA OSCILLATOR is not only a double VCO.
With all its features, and patch points, it can process external signals in various way.
And because it's a dual architecture, it can process stereo sounds !
Here a quick overview.
Audio source: AUDIO 4TOMS
Sequencing: Ritournelle CV Generator + Shift-R
See more"
Wednesday, October 09, 2024
video uploads by LARIX ELEKTRO
"The DUAL UNDULA OSCILLATOR is a dual complexe oscillator that has a lot of internal functionalities that allows a lot of various uses beyond a simple dual oscillator:
Full synth voice / Dual complexe Oscillator / Filters / MS processor...
The module has plenty of sub modules:
- 2 sinus wave VCO, that can works as filter.
- 2 wave folder each connected to one oscillator, with a VCA in between.
- 2 bipolar VCA (that act as lowres. Ring modulator).
Both VCA can be used inside a Mid-Side converter.
- 1 LFO
- 1 Attack-Decay envelope.
A lot of options are available on the back:
- Access points to modify the routing, or to add more I/O.
- All critical capacitors are through Holes, to allows easy modifications."
You can find additional posts featuring the Dual Undula here.
Monday, September 16, 2024
Impro with LARIX-ELEKTRO modules
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"I'm using the same setup used to demo how to use the new TIME SHIFTER.
So, except a Erica synth RND, used as a clock, all other modules are from Larix Elektro.
Here, I'm using this small case in a more "unusual" way. It's noise music (!)
The Ritournelle CV & Trig generates triggers, for the 4TOMS.
The TIME-SHIFTER just adds some blur into the triggers (Means: not in time)
And the 4TOMS is not used as a classical tom generator, but as a noise machine. It uses the advantage of the default of the analog circuit. Something you may have some difficulties to do with digital modules or sample players.
For more details on the modules, see more"
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Impro with Larix Elektro modules
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"Except a Erica synth RND, used as a clock (yes !!), all other modules are from Larix Elektro. ...just for fun.
So there's a rhythmic pattern, with a CV Generator + the Shift-R ( to have 8 trig outs). Then the new TIME-SHIFTER, to twist (swing) the sequence.
And finally, the 4TOMS that produce all the sound.
And that's it !
See more"
Monday, September 02, 2024
LARIX ELEKTRO Introduces TIME-SHIFTER Eurorack Module
video uploads by LARIX ELEKTRO
News Sept2024 TimeShifter
TIME-SHIFTER Presentation
TIME-SHIFTER technical explanation
"This is the new TIME-SHIFTER ! A "time machine" for eurorack.
Or how to shift after or before gate or trig signals.
Now, the module in depth.
The module was presented at SynthFest and SuperBooth, and is available on september 2024."
The Time-Shifter is a delay for gate or trigger signales.
As all good time machines it can delay after and before (!).
The first idea is to find a way to build a swing or a groove. So to decide which steps of which track is decayed, and how much.
To do this, it is necessary to be able to shift the events after and before. But before, we can't predict when an event will appear...
The solution is to decay everything, and then, decaying less than the others events.
So comparing to the new decaying events, it will sounds like it appear before.
The MAIN SHIFT defines this new reference.
So if you enter the main CLK signal into the input, the output of this circuit can be used as the new CLK reference.
The four circuits A B C and D works according to the value of the MAIN SHIFT reference:
- When the knob is centered, the time decay is the same.
- Left, means less time decay, so the event will appear before.
- Right, means more time, so the event will appear after.
Extend your module:
The module can be enriched by one expansion modules:
- The AttV-4 adds to the CV entries an adjustment of the CV value by an attenuverter.
The connectors on the back of the module save connectivity at the front.
Typical use:
- Groove (or swing, etc.) controlable by CV (!)
- Realignment of gates sequences.
(When using multiple sequencers with different latency)
- Signals sequencing adjustment.
(Be sur that a RST arrives at the right moment, for example)
(Be sur that a your S&H module sample after signal stabilization, for example)
Monday, July 29, 2024
4TOMS, the CUT input explained
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"The Larix-Elektro 4TOMS is a bank of four tom generator.
With CV control of 3 parameters, and a stereo mixer.
But there is also a CUT input. What is it ?
When receiving a trig, it cuts the sound of the corresponding tom.
Even if 3 parameters is CV modulable, there is only on CV input. (see others video about how to extend the number of CV inputs).
If you don't need this CUT input, you can use it as a second CV input!"
Thursday, July 18, 2024
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"New module soon:
It's a full synth voice (means: don't need anything else)
With 2 VCO that can works as VCF too.
for each VCO/VCF:
- A Wave Folder
- A bipolar VCA (almost like a dirty ring modulator)
The 2 VCA can works Left-Right or Mid-Side (!) mode.
And to have a full synth voice, tere is one LFO and one AD envelope.
And a lot of inputs and outputs to cook noodles ;)
The module was presented at SynthFest and SuperBooth, and should be available on september/october.
See more"
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Modular improvisation, July 2024
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"I'm having the opportunity to use the case that LARIX-ELEKTRO use for demo. And so, deeply using some of LE modules. Especially the DUAL UNDULA OSCILLATOR that should be available on september/October.
here an improvisation, Drone/noise.
Thursday, July 04, 2024
LARIX-ELEKTRO CV and TRIG Generator, it''s so simple !
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"One more demo of the RITOURNELLE CV Generator and TRIG Generator.
Just to show how simple it is to use them.
Twist the knobs, find the right sequence, and it's done !
Still available @"
Monday, July 01, 2024
4TOMS, as a 4 voices synth
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"The Larix-Elektro 4TOMS is made to produce...toms (of course)
But as we're already seeing in other videos, it can do far more kind of sounds.
In this video, we show that you can use the module as a 4-voice synth.
The Pitch CV input is not 1V/Octave, but there is a lot of way to deal with...
The base is a sine sound, but with the TONE, we can add some distorsion.
And with the ACCENT, we can contrĂ´le the volume and the shape of the attack.
I'm adding the Q-BIT DATA-BENDER to the sound, and then some delay and reverb. Nothing else.
Monday, June 24, 2024
Hacking the XAOC Berlin VCO
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"The XAOC Berlin is a digital VCO compatible with the Leibnitz system of XAOC. This system allows to play with bits: Interesting !
Here, I'm using the Leibnitz connectors, and two multiple from Larix-Elektro to have access to the 8 bits that generate the SAW wave.
Just because it's very simple way to convert the Leibnitz connectors into jacks !
And after, I'm explaining how to produce new kind of waveforms.
This is not a safe way to use the module. But its a good way to understand it, and thinking about acquiring some Leibnitz compatible modules, to play with bits !
The Multiple from LE is not yet available, this is a prototype originally designed to add I/O to others modules like the 4TOMS.
Shold be available after this summer.
Thanks to the LE CV Generator, and the Attenuverter Bank, from LE too...
Try this carfully: I haven't checked how the circuit is built, if the I/O of the Leibnitz connector are protected. So maybe you can damage your module...
I strongly recommande to use modules from the Leibnitz system instead."
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