MATRIXSYNTH: Polyphonic Patching with 4x Intellijel Atlantix Modules

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Polyphonic Patching with 4x Intellijel Atlantix Modules

video upload by Intellijel

"Ever wondered what 4x Atlantix modules might sound like in polyphony? We certainly did, so we decided to make it a reality!

As a new shipment of Atlantix landed recently, we thought it might be fun to pop 4 Atlantix modules into a Performance Case and try out some polyphonic patches, with the help of MIDI 1U + CVx 1U. In this video we cover the basics of how it works, and showcase some patches that demonstrate how good it can sound when you're able to make adjustments to each individual voice in a polyphonic system.

00:00 - Introduction
00:34 - Basic Setup
01:34 - Patch 1: 4rpeggiator
02:13 - Patch 2: 4 Fifths
02:42 - Patch 3: 4tlantix Techno
03:25 - Patch 4: Spooky 4rest
04:13 - Patch 5: 4tlantix Surfing
04:42 - Patch 6: W4rped Drums
05:19 - Patch 7: 4 Decades
05:57 - Patch 8: Ph4sed
06:34 - Patch 9: Tug of 4
07:17 - Patch 10: 1984"

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