MATRIXSYNTH: Sequential Prophet VS 61-Key 8-Voice Polyphonic Synthesizer SN 0530

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sequential Prophet VS 61-Key 8-Voice Polyphonic Synthesizer SN 0530

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Pics of the inside below.

"This Prophet VS is is good condition and sounds wonderful.

Because this is an old vintage synthesizer, I want to note a few things to be as transparent as possible related to its condition:

The internal power supply seems to give some vibration off. You can hear a very slight audible hum, and can feel a slight buzzing on the left side of the keyboard when your hands are on the keys. A replacement power supply would probably be a good idea at some point. But all in all the power works just fine otherwise.

The buttons all work, but sometimes a couple of them seem to press twice when you press once, or you need to press twice to press once. This seems fairly normal for a synth this age. I'd recommend either cleaning or replacing some of them as needed, but they are still very much usable as-is.

The LCD is original and the backlight is still bright.

The aftertouch does not work. I believe this is a common problem and would need to be addressed if you want to use aftertouch.

Firmware is 1.0. There are a few different options for upgrades to firmware. This version:
v1.0 - Has Diagnostic features and free-running LFO's

All voices work, filter, chorus, voice panning, detune, modulation, splits, doubles, the joystick, buttons, data slider, LCD, volume, balance, storing, s&h, mod wheel, pitch wheel, both L/R audio outputs, and MIDI in and out. I have not tested the cartridge port or foot switch ports."

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