MATRIXSYNTH: Euclidean Beats on DivSkip

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Euclidean Beats on DivSkip

video upload by Making Sound Machines

"Getting ready for Machina Bristonica 2024 in Bristol UK, coming up this weekend! We are having a workshop on Saturday starting 14.00 where you can build our DIY kits or a @plinkysynth with us! And on Sunday at 14.15, we will be on the DivKid stage chatting with Ben about Life, the Universe and Modular. Come meet us there, and bring your best questions!

In this last-jam-before-the-flight-leaves, we are exploring the Euclidean Modes built into DivSkip, our module collaboration with @DivKid.

Euclidean rhythms are a fun and intuitive way to generate looping musical patterns. #DivSkip has two modes that generate Euclidean rhythms. The one used here, Euclidean Split, always sets three steps and distributes them over a pattern length that can be adjusted using the knob.

In this patch, Enrica adjusts the length of the pattern which in turn advances alternating bass and chord notes played on the @WeAreElektron Model:cycles. This results in cool syncopated, rhythmic shifts throughout the sketch.

She adds a shifting pattern of ghost notes with a clock divider on DivSkip's channel 3, set to three steps. The sound is generated using Mutable Instruments Plaits, with the A and B outputs triggering alternating CV settings using @vaskiembedded's ECS-4 Triggered Switch module.

DivSkip's channel 1 is set to play a four-to-the-floor pattern on Out A and B, going to kick and snare on @VladimirPantelic's VPME QD quad drum voice.

Enrica mutes and unmutes each channel on the fly with a click of the push potentiometer.

DIY Kits are in stock at @ThonkSynthDIY (UK), @explodingshed5542 (EU) and @NightlifeElectronics (CAN - DIY and built)

Built modules are available at @signal-sounds (UK), @PerfectCircuit (US), @Elevator-Sound (UK+EU) and @schneidersladen_berlin (EU)"

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