MATRIXSYNTH: 11.16.2024 Mos-lab 2500 [01]

Saturday, November 23, 2024

11.16.2024 Mos-lab 2500 [01]

video upload by batchas

"I rearranged the studio and am testing different things with diverse machines around the 2500 and a simple sequence. There's IMO a promising potential, but it would require way more time to invest, than the one hour I spend on a session to make a serious track. I usually concentrate on one modular system, cause it's more direct, plug'n'play fun, perfect for short 30 minutes sessions in the studio. But I've been thinking for a long time about having again the drum machines in the game, also some rack synths I like. Means connecting again MIDI and so on. I hesitated a lot, cause the last thing I want to do is spend time on programming! But I have to admit that I'm easely bored with the repetitive 16 steps sequences on the modulars (or 32 or 64). Time will tell if it was a good idea to take out the Buchla system to make space for the beat machines & effects corner.

The first synth we hear (4 bass notes repeating) is a Oberheim Matrix 1000. Then comes the Ace Tone FR-2 drum machine. Then the 2500. And after the Waldorf Q (fast sequence, staccato)."

11.16.2024 Mos-lab 2500 [02]

video upload by batchas

"I made different patches in the same sessions, also checking how the 2500 filter does sound with diverse waveforms.
In retrospect I think a simple beat on top wouldn't have spoiled anything, at the contrary."

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