MATRIXSYNTH: Astral Synthesizer : Make Music with Probability!!

Monday, November 04, 2024

Astral Synthesizer : Make Music with Probability!!

video upload by Astral Synthesizer

Astral Tutorials

Ambient Sounds



Details and a few screenshots follow below. Note many of the panels have multiple screens. See the website link below for more.

Astral is a powerful sequencer and synthesizer that lets you quickly create original music with complex and highly-detailed sound textures. It is based on a new probabilistic approach to synthesis that operates by sequencing and fast stochastic convolution of user-defined inputs. ASTRAL includes a friendly interactive graphic interface and highly unified control mechanisms for convenient definition and dynamic modification of probabilistic sound parameters.

With ASTRAL, you can efficiently create music with a vast number of sound events as you do not have to worry about the parameter values for each sound event. In contrast, existence of a single probability function can lead to derivation of millions of event values for a given parameter.

ASTRAL’s highly-optimized computational engine is mainly responsible for handling two dynamic processes: a probabilistic additive synthesizer, and a powerful convolver. A satisfying user experience is achieved with the help of ASTRAL’s graphic user interface and highly animated panels.

Frequency / Amplitude Panel
In ASTRAL, independent so called filter (convolution) groups create the output sound. Each filter group is a probabilistic additive synthesizer with its own automatable parameters. Each group has the option to be connected to and subsequently, convolved with a user-defined input sound.

In the Frequency/Amplitude panel, users can define dynamic probability functions for frequency and amplitudes of each filter group. Even though the frequency space is continuous by default, the Frequency Grid window included in this panel provides the option of choosing specific notes. Actual generated random samples are visualized on the panel in real-time.

Filter Impulse Response Panel
In this panel, users can apply probability to define each group’s timbral characteristics. These include an impulse response function choice, its harmonic content, and applied effects. Unlike classic filters, ASTRAL gives the user the ability to control the filter’s impulse response directly in the time domain. This results in great variety in filtering and facilitates the coloring of stochastic sound textures.

Space Panel
ASTRAL groups can output in stereo, multi-channel, and 3D modes. In the Space Panel, probability functions are applied to spatial parameters of sound. To help the users easily localize sound textures, the panel includes a visualized 3D model of the expected localizations with color-coded 3D surfaces and LEDs.

Generator Panel
In ASTRAL, a filter group has a generator that is responsible for creating the group’s rhythm. It can either be set to ‘random’ or ‘time-grid’. In the random mode, a filtering rate (in convolutions per second) is defined as general behavior of the generator. In contrast, the time grid mode allows for defining specific rhythm loops.

Input Panel
The loaded user-defined input sounds are visualized in this panel. The frequency content of each input can be seen based on its start and end boundaries, and separate envelope functions can be applied to each input.

Group Mixer Panel
In addition to the above panels, ASTRAL’s mixer allows for editing and visual comparison of all filter groups’ and inputs’ basic parameters. These include amplitude, frequency, space, generator, and some impulse response parameters.

Automation Panel
ASTRAL includes a user-friendly automation panel, in which temporal behavior of parameters can be easily defined, copied, and modified. This is where the music is made!

Try for free!

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