MATRIXSYNTH: Meet the minichord Benjamin Poilve

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Meet the minichord Benjamin Poilve

video upload by Seeed Studio

"This project made by Benjamin ( is a pocket-sized instrument that allows anybody to create nice sounding chord progressions. While it is very simple in its usage, it has a lot of musical capabilities. There is an online interface to customise the preset sounds.

The repository for the project is there"

"The minichord has :

21 main chord buttons, divided in 7 column of 3 buttons;
1 "sharp" button (on the top left).
Each column of the main chord buttons is associated to a note of the C Major scale. It is indicated by the letter on the first row of buttons.

Each row of the main chord button is associated to a chord type:

the first row will produce major chords;
the second row will produce minor chords;
the third row will produce 7th chords.
By following the row and the column of each button, we can identify the specific chord associated. Here is the full table of the chord available by the push of a single button

The harp touch zone is divided in 12 different section, stacked vertically. Touching each section will trigger a note. Notes can be held by keeping the contact with the section.

This touch zone can be "strummed" by sweeping the finger across all sections, or individual notes can be triggered.

The preset selection buttons can be used to switch between preset. The minichord has 12 internal preset (see "Default presets"), that can be replaced by custom presets (see "Making custom presets"). Going up after the 12th preset will circle back to the first, same as going down before the first will circle back to the 12th.

The main led will shine with a different color for each preset to help you identify the current selected one.

Each of the three potentiometer has one main function, designated by the marking on the enclosure :

The first potentiometer from the top sets up the volume of the chord section;
The second potentiometer from the top sets up the volume of the harp section;
The third potentiometer from the top is assigned to a different function for each preset, depending on what is usefull for it.

The rythm mode button (on the top right) has two basic mode:

discrete: the chord only stays on for as long as you keep the relevant button pushed. In that mode, the indicator led will be off.
continuous: the chord will keep playing until you push a new button, and seamlessly switch to the next chord. In that mode, the indicator led will be on.
Simply push the rythm mode button to switch from one mode to the other. That button may also be used to switch to the arpegiator mode with a long push, but that subject is handled in the "Advanced usage" section.

Charging is done through the mini USB jack available on the buttom right of the minichord. Connection to any USB outlet will do, and it will draw 500ma of current.

When charging, the top right led will shine red.

Full charge should be below 3 hours, and the top right led will shine green once the full charge is attained. Once fully charged, the minichord will play for around 7 hours.

When the battery is getting low, the main led will pulse. Once the pulsing start, the minichord can play for around 15 minutes more. You can play the minichord while plugged in."

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