MATRIXSYNTH: Instruō - øchd Expander DIY tutorial && VCV Rack update

Monday, December 23, 2024

Instruō - øchd Expander DIY tutorial && VCV Rack update

video upload by Instruō

Happy end of 2024 :)
I hope you've had a good year.

I would like to thank everyone that has supported Instruō this past year and previous years. The company has grown a lot since I was pottering about in my spare room.
I have the pleasure of working along side an incredible team.
A lot of the work these past few years has been very much behind the scenes.
2025 is going to be exciting! I'll leave it at that!

This is a video I've been meaning to do for a while. Since we launched the øchd expander.
The expander module itself was a really fun challenge. I wanted to utilise what the øchd generates in as efficient a way as possible to expand its utility.
Much of the theory behind it I prototyped in VCV rack. Especially the DAC section.
This is a full real time step by step of how to DIY the signal processes and outputs of the øchd expander.
There may be more efficient ways of achieving these and many modules out there provide the same utilities, but this is a collection of patches that I reach for then I need such things.

It's a bit technical, but I hope the video introduces some ideas for patches.
Thanks for watching!

00:00:00 Instruōduction
00:01:13 What we're building
00:02:09 VCV Rack
00:03:00 øchd Expander sections rundown
00:03:24 Section 1: full wave rectifiers
00:05:04 "compare" module, comparator utility
00:05:25 LFO distribution to rectifiers
00:06:00 Patching rectification
00:09:02 completing Section 1
00:10:40 Section 2: diode logic
00:11:49 LFO distribution to diode logic pairs
00:12:53 Max and Min extraction
00:14:15 waveshaping with øchd self patching
00:15:13 Min/Max comparison to source signals
00:16:11 completing Section 2
00:18:15 Section 3: trigger extraction
00:19:00 Trigger vs LFO phase relationship
00:19:37 LFO distribution to trigger extraction
00:20:08 extracting square from triangle LFO
00:21:26 Trigger duration from comparator threshold
00:21:50 completing Section 3
00:23:04 øchd expander output cascade
00:25:07 Section 4: R-2R ladder DACs
00:26:33 Building the circuit in a simulator
00:30:29 R-2R ladder DAC explained
00:32:13 binary counting
00:33:00 digital to analogue ramp generation
00:33:26 manually defined bits
00:34:01 extracting bits from the øchd
00:35:13 R-2R DAC equivalent in VCV Rack
00:38:05 precision voltage definition
00:38:47 DAC1 modelling
00:39:09 MSB/LSB
00:39:47 discrete voltage amplitudes per bit
00:41:10 DAC reconstruction in VCV
00:44:20 mapping øchd LFOs as bits
00:46:16 DAC2 modelling
00:47:35 DAC3 modelling
00:50:03 DAC4 modelling
00:51:00 DIY øchd expander complete!
00:53:55 VCV rack update"

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