VCV Rack - Sapphire - "Ice Station Oberon 11" - custom virtual synth
video upload by Don Cross
"Tonight I made a complex synth voice from several voices, but all tuned to the same V/OCT signal. Then I decided to play that synth voice using a virtual keyboard (Impromptu Twelve-Key). Usually I do generative stuff, but it was fun to make something more in the spirit of a custom synth, and then to perform that synth.
Download this VCV Rack patch from:
The Sapphire plugin for VCV Rack 2 is available at:"
Introducing Sapphire Chaops - expander module for Frolic, Glee, and Lark
video upload by Don Cross
"Chaops is a new 'chaos operators' expander module in the Sapphire plugin for VCV Rack:
Here I show how to use Chaops to store/recall the state of Frolic, Glee, or Lark. Chaops also allows you to morph the 3D vector output on a spectrum between position and velocity, which provides a new range of 3D chaotic curves. Finally, Chaops can freeze/thaw the movement of the attached chaos module. All of this functionality can be operated manually or by input voltages."
Showing posts with label Vcv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vcv. Show all posts
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Monday, February 10, 2025
Finally after all these years
video upload by Omri Cohen
"You can find these patches, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / 121390357
00:00 - Introduction
00:23 - Expander
03:01 - Reverse
05:44 - Select
10:59 - Trigger select
15:36 - Polyphony
19:16 - PGMR"
Thursday, February 06, 2025
VCV QNT \ Improvised Patch Tutorial No.4
video upload by Omri Cohen
"You can find this patch, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / 121487303
00:00 - Introduction
00:26 - Basic functionality
05:12 - Shapes matter
11:51 - Sequence
18:31 - Offset
25:34 - Quantum trick
37:29 - Processing audio"
Monday, February 03, 2025
New Modules \ February 2025
video upload by Omri Cohen
"You can find these patches, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / 121105741
00:00 - Introduction
00:11 - Instruo
05:01 - Tatami
07:24 - K102V
11:11 - SS4
13:47 - Pizza"
Thursday, January 30, 2025
VCV RSCL \ Improvised Patch Tutorial No.3
video upload by Omri Cohen
"You can also find this patch, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / 120957290
00:00 - Introduction
00:15 - Basic functionality
02:42 - Rescaling pitch
09:18 - Rescaling randomness
13:55 - Clipping
24:02 - Wave folding
30:00 - PWM like movement"
Pole Dancer analog filter: Zoxnoxious synthesizer voice card demo
video upload by Ultratroninator 3000
"Here's a demo of the Pole Dancer filter, the latest voice card for the Zoxnoxious synthesizer. The Zoxnoxious synth is a VCV Rack controlled hardware synth with a modular voice card architecture. The Pole Dancer earns its name with its unique pole mixing filter functions. Able to take on many different filter modes and morphing between "Personality" filter modes. The Pole Dancer and the Personality module give the VCV Rack user full control over the filter mix levels for pole mixing.
The demo shows the details on the Pole Dancer's VCV Rack module. Also shown is a few ways on how one could use VCV Rack to morph and sequence filter modes. The video ends with detail on how effective the Pole Dancer is on taking on complex filter modes.
The Expedition Electronics webpage used in the demo to show various filter modes is here:
I'm hoping to get the voice cards and Zoxnoxious synth available sometime soon. I'm still looking into how best to do that. It's all open source with schematics, Raspberry Pi, and VCV Rack stuff all on Github:
00:00 - Intro
01:00 - Crossfade example
02:09 - Module frontend
04:19 - Personality: pole mixing
05:34 - Filter sequencing
06:20 - Tweaking the filter sequencing
09:00 - Pole mixing background
11:45 - Filter analysis"
Monday, January 27, 2025
Chord Caster Overview and Tutorial
video upload by Omri Cohen
"Here you can find Chord Caster -
00:00 - Introduction
00:20 - Basic functionality
05:00 - Voices
07:56 - Editing steps
11:30 - Strum
13:57 - Inputs
17:32 - Outputs
19:45 - Miscellaneous"
Additional resources:
CV Funk,
New Makers,
New Modules,
New Soft Synths,
Soft Synths,
synth tutorials,
Thursday, January 23, 2025
VCV LFO \ Improvised Patch Tutorial
video upload by Omri Cohen
"You can also find this patch, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / 120531082
00:00 - Introduction
00:22 - Modulation
11:19 - Complex modulation
23:30 - Pitch sequences
33:45 - As a voice
37:29 - Reset \ Drum voice"
Monday, January 20, 2025
How to build a synthesizer with a patch bay and interface in VCV Rack
video upload by Omri Cohen
"You can find the complete synth patch on my Patreon - / 120041091
00:00 - Introduction
00:21 - The synth
03:44 - Organizing things
05:06 - VCO Waves
06:04 - Interface \ VCOs
10:23 - Interface \ Mixer
11:49 - Interface \ Envelopes
12:46 - Interface \ Filters
20:07 - Interface \ Modulation
22:43 - Interface \ FX
24:30 - Patch Bay \ Outputs
27:03 - Patch Bay \ Inputs
32:11 - Finished Synth"
Monday, January 13, 2025
4ms Tapographic Delay overview and tutorial
video upload by Omri Cohen
"Here you can find the VCV Rack tricks and tips PDF - / 119073839
You can find these patches, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / 119561290
00:00 - Introduction
00:16 - Basic functionality
06:12 - Panning
10:15 - Filter
13:41 - Patreon
14:03 - Sequence mode
17:22 - Repeate and Sync
21:06 - Meta"
Thursday, January 09, 2025
VCV SEQ3 \ Improvised Patch Tutorial
video upload by Omri Cohen
"You can find this patch, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / 119494313
I publish regularly on Patreon additional patch from scratch videos - / 411040
00:00 - Introduction
00:43 - Sequencing pitch
04:02 - Sequencing tempo
07:17 - Adding a switch
11:29 - Join us on Patreon
11:48 - Variation in pitch
15:39 - Adding another voice
20:17 - Stereo
23:44 - Third voice"
Monday, January 06, 2025
Beginner-Friendly Generative Ambient patch from scratch
video upload by Omri Cohen
"You can find this patch, along with many others, available on my Patreon page.
00:00 - Introduction
00:32 - Random sequence
08:06 - Online courses
08:24 - Harmony
16:15 - Bass drone"
Friday, January 03, 2025
Thursday, December 26, 2024
The Loopers and Delays of 2024
video upload by Omri Cohen
"You can find these patches, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / patches-from-and-118217697
Here’s a Patreon video I did about It’s Good Cholesterol module from Biset - / patreon-its-good-107998067
Here’s a Patreon patch from scratch I did with the 4ms Topographic Delay - / patreon-patch-112667582
00:00 - Introduction
00:24 - Sickozell Loopers
05:09 - MusX Delay
08:29 - Biset Good Cholesterol
12:47 - Stochastic Telegraph
17:30 - 4ms
20:56 - Additional modules"
Monday, December 23, 2024
Instruō - øchd Expander DIY tutorial && VCV Rack update
video upload by Instruō
Happy end of 2024 :)
I hope you've had a good year.
I would like to thank everyone that has supported Instruō this past year and previous years. The company has grown a lot since I was pottering about in my spare room.
I have the pleasure of working along side an incredible team.
A lot of the work these past few years has been very much behind the scenes.
2025 is going to be exciting! I'll leave it at that!
This is a video I've been meaning to do for a while. Since we launched the øchd expander.
The expander module itself was a really fun challenge. I wanted to utilise what the øchd generates in as efficient a way as possible to expand its utility.
Much of the theory behind it I prototyped in VCV rack. Especially the DAC section.
This is a full real time step by step of how to DIY the signal processes and outputs of the øchd expander.
There may be more efficient ways of achieving these and many modules out there provide the same utilities, but this is a collection of patches that I reach for then I need such things.
It's a bit technical, but I hope the video introduces some ideas for patches.
Thanks for watching!
5 Techniques with the Wave Folder from Venom
video upload by Omri Cohen
"Explore creative techniques with a wave folder! From subtle harmonic enhancement to aggressive sound shaping, this video showcases tips to get the most out of this versatile synthesis tool.
You can find these patches, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / patches-from-117827556
Here is the Venom Wave Folder -
00:00 - Introduction
00:09 - Processing audio
04:11 - Audio rate modulation
08:23 - Processing LFOs
12:32 - Processing envelopes
14:58 - Feedback patching"
Thursday, December 19, 2024
The VCOs of 2024
video upload by Omri Cohen
"You can find these patches, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / patches-from-of-118076045
00:00 - Introduction
00:22 - MuxX Oscillators
04:12 - Biset
08:29 - Ouros
11:05 - Venom
14:36 - Ensemble"
Monday, December 16, 2024
5 reasons to love Oneiroi from Befaco
video upload by Omri Cohen
"You can find these patches, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / patches-from-118086744
00:00 - Introduction
00:25 - Oscillators
04:08 - Filter
08:28 - Resonator
12:38 - FX
18:04 - Looper \ Wavetable
20:49 - Looper \ Recording
25:33 - Looper \ Post recording"
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.