Friday, December 13, 2024

MFB 512

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video upload by Marc van der Holst

"Sorry about that; especially the recording the sound with my phone part. If I get bored – and I get bored easily, if you were wonderinig while watching this stupid video. Again sorry. There is just one other clip of the MFB 512, far as I know, it lasts 3 seconds and sounds great and just better in every respect. Except the special FX, maybe. If this doesn't sell (on Reverb), I'll make a proper video. With real explosions and stuff, and a love story sub plot line and Indiana Jones. A costume drama. Well, a drama for sure. Cheers!"

via this listing

"This seems to be in pretty very good condition, switches knobs switch- and knobable and then do things, most of the time, sounds fantastic (eh though not so much in my stupid yt video, unfortunately, that I've linked to, that's my phone's little no good mic — go check the other 512 clip, that one's way better).

So, great, and "great price, I've seen them go for a lot more!"

Yes, you may have, BUT here's the but, but, it's not so big a but, all is probably im Ordnung, but since you never know, I don't, I never know anything:

A) these have Trigger In for syncing, no MIIDI (which I thought it had and is the reason for selling), and I have nothing to check that with atm and

B) I've tried for an hour a little less but I couldn't tell you how to replace those (very nice, I think) presets with your own programmed patterns. You can definitely do something with that left know, something sequency, but I haven't figured it out yet, and I may never, you figure it out, you're smarter than me I know.

Both things I'm educatedly guessing are highly likely fine, but since I can't tell for sure I won't tell you for sure."

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