MATRIXSYNTH: Prophet Rev 2 + Microcosm + Digitakt II + Chroma Console

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Prophet Rev 2 + Microcosm + Digitakt II + Chroma Console

video upload by Hologram Electronics

"Some moments from a loose performance with a synthesizer, drum machine/sampler, Microcosm, and Chroma Console.

The Prophet Rev 2 is plugged directly into Microcosm. Then, Microcosm is going stereo out into Digitakt II. From there, the whole mix is sent from the Digitakt to Chroma Console and then to our interface to record one stereo track.

Throughout, Chroma Console is always on, serving as an end-of-chain compression/saturation box for all of the instruments and Microcosm. It’s used a bit more aggressively here just so it’s obvious, but it’s capable of much subtler compression and saturation. Just tweak it til you like it.

Delay and Vibrato are used as performative effects, brought on and off using the Dual Bypass feature. Chroma Console is synced to the Digitakt’s clock, which makes all of its time based effects in sync with the music.

Microcosm is kinda just doing it’s thing. Seq C is a preset that sounds very nice and washy, especially if you add some reverb. All that wash gets sidechained by the kick, just by virtue of all the compression that Chroma Console is adding."

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