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Probably no other monophonic analog synth has this amount of sound bending capabilities at your fingertips on an ultra-compact footprint. Directly prepatched and switchable are:
VCO2 synchable to VCO1
VCO3 can modulate either VCO2 (only) or VCO1 + 2
VCO3 can modulate the filter
VCO3 can be taken out of the audio path completely, becoming an 'invisible' source for modulation only
the filter envelope (VCF) can modulare VCO2 ('sweep VCO')
VCF has two modes of keytracking
both LFOs can control VCOs AND filter cutoff at the same time and with independent settings
LFO1 can do S&H by sampling LFO2 (making them interdependent) or the noise generator
oh, there actually is an "OSC4" which is white noise (with its own level control), in addition to the white noise setting on VCO3 and the white noise setting on LFO2. That's 3 noise generators in just one synth.
glide function
VCA switchable positive / negative
envelope trigger switch
In addition, there are the patch points which add PWM modulation, external audio insert points, individual VCO outs, V-gate in on LFO1 +++"
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