MATRIXSYNTH: Top 10 Oberheim OB-8 Patches - Kurzweil Classic Analog Collection Sounds / Demo K2500 K2000

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Top 10 Oberheim OB-8 Patches - Kurzweil Classic Analog Collection Sounds / Demo K2500 K2000

video upload by One Chord Till Anarchy

"The Oberheim OB-8 was released by Oberheim from 1983-1985 and was the last of the vintage-era OB series of polysynths.

The Kurzweil Classic Analog Collection is a 30 floppy disk set for the K2000/K2500, etc synthesizers. For a long time I only had some of the disks until I found new-stock unopened box set on Ebay. Some of the synths and patches are sample based, some are just native designed for the Kurzweil VAST engine.

The OB-8 disk actually has two sets of sounds on it. The main large one has 102 patches and uses some samples as part of the program design for certain patches, making the total file 921K. The second much smaller one (only 11 patches) is all VAST engine design.

This video showcases the 10 patches I like the most from the main set (File: OB8.KRZ). Patch names are shown with each sound. EQ is flat. A little reverb from Valhalla VintageVerb #electronicmusic #kurzweil #oberheim #analogsynthesizer #vintagesynth #k2500 #K2600 #k2000 #analogsynth #OB8 #obx #synths #synthesizer #synthwave #synthwavemusic #darkwave #darksynthwave #darksynth #80s #80smusic #synthdemo #vintagesynthesizer #vintagesynths #synthesizerdemo #oberheimsynth"

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