Infinity Gradient Trailer (for organ and 100 speakers) by Tristan Perich - Death of Classical video upload by Death of Classical
Note the above is a video of Tristan Perich's Infinity Gradient performance from March 22, 2022. You'll find details on his new book Pseudorandom, and upcoming performance further below. You might remember Tristan Perich from his 1-Bit synth featured in previous posts here.
Description for the Infinity Gradient performance above: "Composer Tristan Perich has made a name for himself creating sweeping, viscerally overwhelming soundscapes out of armies of 1-bit speakers playing synthesized sounds. We're pleased to present the U.S. Premiere of his newest work, Infinity Gradient, which takes his musical vision to the next level by combining 100 of those speakers with the soul-blasting power of all 7,069 pipes in the Miller-Scott Organ, housed amidst the magnificent Gothic architecture of Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue and played by the inimitable James McVinnie."

via Tristan Perich:
"Book Release + Performance at Printed Matter, Feb 29
Tristan Perich's Pseudorandom is a companion release to his circuit album Noise Patterns. The new art book is a monolithic, unabridged 1024-page printout of the 16,777,215 numbers that comprise one complete cycle of the 3-byte random number generator from Noise Patterns' code.
Originally released as a circuitboard that plays its music through a headphone jack, Noise Patterns employed randomness at the core of its sound synthesis. However, true randomness is beyond the limitations of any deterministic computer algorithm. Because a digital computer’s memory is intrinsically finite, any attempt towards randomness will eventually exhaust every possible memory value. When those values are used up, the cycle must repeat. What results is termed “pseudorandom” — an approximation of randomness, and an illustration of the vast but fundamentally limited nature of computation.
Join me at Printed Matter on Feb 29 to celebrate the book release, with a solo performance of Noise Patterns + Q&A
Tristan Perich: Pseudorandom Book Release
Thursday, Feb 29, 6pm
Printed Matter
231 11th Ave, NYC
➝ Event Info
➝ Pre-Order"