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This is the first post to feature Contessa.
"1971 Contessa Branded Keio (Korg) Mini Pops 7. I have owned several of these and this one is in excellent condition (a few minor marks) and it sounds amazing. The signal is beautifully clean.
This is the UK voltage version - 220v.
It has just been fully serviced and comes with a period footswitch and a bespoke case, which has kept it in good condition all these years. I have replaced the rubber feet, as after a few decades they simply perish.
This analogue drum machine was used by Jean Michelle Jarre and Aphex Twin and has a rich and highly distinctive tone and range of patterns. It's highly versatile and can even be programmed live using the buttons (zero signal noise when you do this) and sliders (smooth as a baby's bottom).
Most of these machines survive due to the exceptional build quality but are usually scratched and bashed about. This one has very few marks on it and looks stunning. It even has the original panel for the mains cable compartment - most of which are missing. I don't think you'll find many better examples than this."
Showing posts with label Contessa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contessa. Show all posts
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