Showing posts with label Muro Box. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muro Box. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Muro Box-N40 Standard, Continuum, Osmose and Onde

video upload by Christophe Duquesne

"Muro Box-N40 Standard music box track with an Onde from La Voix du Luthier, a Continuum and an Eagan Matrix Module from Haken Audio and an Osmose from Expressive E The N40 is an enhanced version of the N20, the main additional feature being a chromatic scale and internal piezo microphone, both being huge improvements !

The Muro Box-N40 s controlled via MIDI by a Korg SV1.

The voice is built from and analysis of the voice of Khatija Rahman and resynthesised by the Continuum. The pitch and shimmer effect on the Murobox are done by an Eagan Matrix Module. Both are done thanks to the new 10.40 features of the Eagan Matrix.

The murobox is recorded with 3 internal piezo and an IQ7 microphone. The piezo are connected to a small preamp (TubeMP from ART, but multiple others will work). The output of the preamp goes to a Eurorack (in an Eagan Matrix Module). I then a processing chain with a notch filter cuting a frequency band aroud 280/300 Hz, and a noisegate in order to lower the motor noise. The Eagan Matrix module then adds shimmers and pitch effects."
My review of the Murobox

Lullatone "Corduroy" played on a Muro Box N40 and OP-1 Field

video upload by Lullatone

"Muro Box sent a prototype of their upcoming N40 midi music box to test out. This new unit can also do the black keys on a keyboard! (the original N20 version is limited to the C major scale) Here, I'm controlling the plucking of the music box's tines with the OP-1 Field's keyboard by MIDI over USB-C, while sometimes adding in soft sine tone synth sounds coming out of the OP-1 at the same time. Soft sine tones and music boxes have been the Lullatone dream team since the early 2000s : )"

See the Muro Box label below for additional posts.

"Which Music Box Has the Best Sound?

The Beautiful Sound of a Music Box Comes from these key components: Comb, Metal Base, and Wood Box

The N20 and N40 Standard models share the same material and design, differing only in the number of notes and the inclusion of semitones. The N40 Sublime is our flagship model, featuring a four-comb configuration, an acacia wood box, and pure brass base that adds a unique character to its resonance."

"Since its inception, the Muro Box’s external MIDI functionality makes the dream of using a music box as an instrument a reality. Especially with the N40’s 40-note scale, which includes semitones, it meets the arrangement and composition needs of musicians!"

Friday, October 27, 2023

Murobox N40

video upload by Christophe Duquesne

"Halloween style Murobox N40 music box demonstration with La Voile from La Voix du Luthier, an Eagan Matrix Module from Haken Audio and an Osmose from Expressive E
The N40 is an enhanced version of the N20, the main additional feature being a chromatic scale and internal pies microphone, both being huge improvements !

Murobox Kickstarter campaign page:
Murobox website:
My review of the Murobox"

Thursday, June 02, 2022

Uniquely Expressive Combinations

video upload by Mark Steiner

"Exploration of Uniquely Expressive Instrument Combinations - Some great minds keep coming up with some very special instruments. I just love it.


Berglund Instruments NuRAD wind synth
Dynasample XO-mini sound module
Trogotronic c36 CV and gating spinny-thingy
Chicken in a Biscuit snack crackers
Trogotronic i/1 CV and audio light caster
Echo the blind cat
MuroBox midi and bluetooth app controlled music box
lots of various Eurorack modules and plugins in Logic Pro

Mark Steiner - May 2022"

Thursday, February 24, 2022

NuRAD plays the Muro Box midi music box - Mark Steiner

video upload by Mark Steiner


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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