Showing posts with label Palm Sounds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palm Sounds. Show all posts

Friday, August 05, 2016

How to use MIDI thing with iOS

Published on Aug 5, 2016 Ashley Elsdon

"A short video showing how the MIDI thing works and how you can use it to create multi-layered tracks using Roland's Sound Canvas for iOS."

In short, MIDI Thing is a MIDI looper. You can find details previously posted here.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

MIDI Thing and iOS

Published on Dec 24, 2014 Ashley Elsdon

"A little demo showing MIDI Thing running a series of iOS synth apps on an iPad Mini"

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Details on the Palm Sounds MIDI Thing

You might remember the teaser video from Palm Sounds previously posted here. Details are now in.

Via Palm Sounds:

"We call it MIDI Thing for two reasons.

It's a thing ...

It does MIDI, in fact, it only does MIDI

Which is why it's a ... MIDI Thing!

So, what does it actually do? Good question. Here's an overview:

MIDI Thing is a portable battery powered MIDI looper. It takes a MIDI signal in on any channel and puts the same MIDI data out. So, to give you an example:

If you record a 4 bar bassline on channel 1 it'll continue to play that on channel 1 until you tell it to stop. You then record a chord sequence on channel 2, and it'll put that out on channel 2 as well as the bassline on channel 1. You can do this on all 16 MIDI channels and it'll keep on playing everything until you erase a channel, or switch it off!

It listens on all channels simultaneously so you don't need to do any switching around and it has a very simple interface. In fact, it has just 2 switches on it. One is the on/off switch, the other puts the device into command mode, and this is where it gets clever.

The MIDI Thing get its instructions from what ever keyboard controller is being used for MIDI input. We thought that would make sense as you've already got a keyboard in front of you and you wouldn't want to have to navigate through lots of menus on a tiny box."

See Palm Sounds for additional details.

Monday, December 08, 2014

So, what is the black box?

Uploaded on Dec 7, 2014 Ashley Elsdon

via Palm Sounds

"Just a little teaser for a hardware thing, more about this soon ..."

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