Showing posts with label Robots Are Red. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robots Are Red. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

ALA + RAR Mingles

video upload by After Later Audio

Mingles - Dual Autopanner and Dual 3 Channel Mixer/VCA || After Later Audio + Robots Are Red.

video upload by Robots Are Red

"Mix a synth patch and use Mingles as the VCA.
Blend a signal between two different outputs.
Autopan a mono signal.
Stereoize even more, an already stereo signal.

Mingles is a 12hp Dual 3 Input Mixer with attenuators for each signal, and a large panning knob for each of the two channels. There is a stereo output for each of the two channels, and a mixed stereo output of both channels. There is an internal LFO (Triangle or Pulse) that can be applied to each of the two channel’s panning. The LFO is inverted on channel 2 to allow for mirrored panning between the two channels.

There is also a VCA and external panning CV input in each of the two channels, along with a CV input for control of the LFO rate, and there is an LFO output.

The LFO can be switched between Triangle and Pulse waves with a jumper on the back of the module.

A huge thanks to After Later Audio for helping make this idea I had over 2 years ago a reality!

You can jump to any section of the video here:

00:00 - Opening
00:38 - Introduction and Rundown
02:50 - Stereo Oscillator Synth
04:36 - LFO Rate
05:09 - Back to Stereo Oscillator Synth
05:40 - Modulating the LFO Rate
07:38 - Mixing Drums
09:55 - External Panning CV
10:57 - End of Chain Panning Effect (Pulse LFO)
12:35 - Other Patch Suggestions
13:18 - Some Music"

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