Showing posts with label mimu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mimu. Show all posts

Friday, July 05, 2019

How Imogen Heap Makes Music With Mi.Mu Gloves

Published on Jul 5, 2019 Reverb

"Imogen Heap's gloves have something to say, and we joined the visionary electronic performer/producer/songcrafter during soundcheck so she could share the secrets of these revolutionary Mi.Mu Gloves, and how she controls her sound using music tech and meticulously mapped hand movements.
Read more on Reverb:
More from Imogen Heap:
Learn more about Mi.Mu Gloves:"

Friday, April 25, 2014

Imogen Heap - Me The Machine (Official Video)

Published on Apr 22, 2014 imogenheap·78 videos

"Two years to the day since Imogen unveiled the first version of 'Me The Machine' with her Mi.Mu Gloves, here's the official music video!

Back the Gloves on Kickstarter:
Pre-order the "Sparks" deluxe box set:

New album "Sparks" coming soon...

Imogen said: "Today is Earth Day and 2 years ago I performed the first version of Me The Machine written with and for my Mi.Mu gloves. I am dying to let you hear the album but I have to wait, but today I want to let you hear and see the studio version and the additional music video. Hope you really enjoy it! Most of the visuals are being manipulated live using my Mi.Mu gloves as I didn't just want to mime. So I went one step further and worked with the team on getting the gloves ready for visual manipulations."

Thursday, April 03, 2014

The Gloves That Will "Change The Way We Make Music", With Imogen Heap

Some of you might remember Imogen Heap's musical gloves as far back as 2011 when she presented them at TED Talks and then again in 2012/2013 at the CTM Festival. She has now taken the project to Kickstarter here. At the time of this post, £43,078 of her £200,000 goal has been pledged with 29 days to go. The following are some details from the Kickstarter page and further below is a video interview from Dezeen.

via Kickstarter (be sure to check out the site for more!):

"What Exactly Can the Gloves Do?

The gloves capture the movements and postures of your hands. Our software allows this information to be mapped to musical control messages which can then be easily routed to your favourite music software

Specifically, the gloves track the following:

The orientation of your hand
The “flex” of your fingers
Your current hand posture (e.g. fist, open hand, one finger point)
The direction (up, down, left, right, forwards, backwards) of your hand
Sharp movements such as drum hits
This information is transmitted wirelessly to your computer, over WiFi (via the x-OSC board on the wrist).

In order to turn this information into music, we have developed software allowing you to “map” glove data to musical control signals (e.g. MIDI and OSC). The software also allows you to combine glove inputs to make complex controls. For example, the software would allow you to program the following:

'If I am making a fist with my right hand, and pointing downwards with my left hand, map the ‘roll’ of my right wrist to MIDI control change message 60 on channel 2'.

These mappings can then be used to control third party software such as Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Logic Pro or Max/MSP or plugins such as Kontakt and Omnisphere.

This ability of the software to combine postures and gestures for mapping, combined with other innovative technological advances, means there are literally thousands of independently mappable controls with one pair of gloves (!) - more than most MIDI controllers on the market - all without having to even look at a screen during performance. You can create multiple parallel mappings, switch between sets of mappings, and load and save your projects to share or develop them over time. Finally, you can use the software to listen out for other inputs, as well, further increasing the richness of control and expressive mappability with your favourite music software."

The gloves that will "change the way we make music", with Imogen Heap from Dezeen on Vimeo.

"See more architecture and design movies on

In this exclusive video interview, musician Imogen Heap demonstrates the electronic gloves that allow people to interact with their computer remotely via hand gestures.

The interview was filmed at Heap's home studio outside London, shortly before she launched her Kickstarter campaign to produce a limited production run of the open-source Mi.Mu gloves.

'These beautiful gloves help me gesturally interact with my computer,' says Heap, explaining how the wearable technology allows her to perform without having to interact with keyboards or control panels.

Pushing buttons and twiddling dials 'is not very exciting for me or the audience,' she says. '[Now] I can make music on the move, in the flow and more humanly, [and] more naturally engage with my computer software and technology.'

Each gesture-control glove contains a wifi-enabled x-IMU board developed by x-IO Technologies containing an accelerometer, a magnetometer and a gyroscope.

These work together with a series of motion sensors incorporated into the fingers of each glove that track the degree of bend and the spread of the fingers. The gloves can also understand postures such as an open palm, a finger-point or a closed fist.

The latest version of the gloves feature e-textile technology, where sensors and wiring are integrated into fabric. Heap is now exploring how to make further use of electronically conducting textiles, to reduce the number of hard components in the gloves.

Heap says they will not just change performance, but the production of music too: 'We really feel that they are going to change the way we make music.'

Heap’s Kickstarter campaign aims to raise £200,000 to develop and produce a limited production run of Mi.Mu gloves. If successful, she will make both the hardware and software open source, allowing people to develop their own uses for the technology. 'It’s really exciting to see what people might do by hacking them,' said Heap. The Kickstarter campaign closes on 3 May 2014.

The music featured in this movie is Me, the Machine, a track that Heap wrote specifically to be performed using the gloves.

for more information about the technology in the gloves, read the edited transcript of our interview with Heap.

Dezeen and MINI Frontiers is a year-long collaboration with MINI exploring how design and technology are coming together to shape the future."

Friday, January 04, 2013

Imogen Heap & Her Musical Gloves at Upcoming CTM Festival

Imogen Heaps Musical Gloves on Dara O Briain's Science Club

Published on Dec 30, 2012

"Imogen Heap demos her (x-IMU-based) musical gloves to Dara on his show, Dara O Briain's Science Club broadcasted on BBC2, Dec 31, 2012. Imogen also did a short performance of her track 'Me The Machine' but time limitations meant this performance was heavily edited. A longer (but still edited) performance is on BBC i-player:

More info on the project is available via:"

"In 2009, when Kelly Snook invited Imogen to visit to MIT's Media Lab, she realised the tech had now made this possible when she tried on Elly Jessop's musical glove. "Elly's glove could record and loop the voice with a few intuitive hand gestures. A million possibilities flooded my imagination! I was quite emotional and as soon as possible I changed my touring and recording life cycle to get to work on creating my dream setup that felt ever closer than before."

She called up Tom Mitchell, who'd worked with her before in coding her Monome for a Letterman performance and told him the idea. He loved it and got funding from the University of Western England (UWE ) to do a research paper on the work. She asked 5DT for a set of gloves to get going and began experimenting."

Details on the CTM Festival:

"Throughout the week, we'll welcome artist and developer presentations from Keith Fullerton Whitman, Imogen Heap, Lucas Abela, Tim Exile, Ali Demirel, Native Instruments, Ableton, and others to be announced. Participants will share hands-on skill sessions on topics like physical computing and custom controllers, wearable technology and fashion, live visuals, Pure Data/libpd, Max for Live, Reaktor, OpenSoundControl, Quartz Composer, Processing, and more."

via Create Digital Music

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Imogen Heap at TED


"Today, during her performance at the TEDGlobal Conference in Edinburgh, the singer/songwriter, Imogen Heap demonstrated a pair of magical, musical gloves that had audience members literally eating out of the palm of her hands. The high tech musical gloves connect an interface to a live musical production system controlled entirely with hand gestures. Developed by Dr. Thomas Mitchell, a lecturer and researcher at the University of the West of England, the gloves are like something out of the movie, Minority Report, since sounds can be recorded, synthesized and manipulated live on stage by Imogen Heap by using intuitive hand movements."

This one in via Joshua.

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