Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Roland CMU-810

Nice shot of the CMU-810 pulled from this auction. Click image for a bigger shot. This one sent my way via Brandon Daniel. Thanks Brandon.

Quasimidi 309 Poster

Via Melissa's Blog.

Update via the comments:

"I remember seeing them when they first came out. What's interesting is it was also one of the first VAs in the sense that it used modelling technology [along with samples]. Check out this SOS review.

According to VSE, the 309 was produced in 1996. The Clavia Nord Lead, credited as the first VA, came out a year before in 1995 along with the Korg Prophecy also in 1995. The Roland JP8000 followed in 1996 with the 309, and the Yamaha AN1X and Access Virus A in 1997." MC-202 LFO Mod

This one sent in via D. Title link takes you to the :: how to's page. There is a secton on modifying a Roland MC-202 to achieve a high-rate LFO similar to the Novamod for the SH-101, and a section on assigning FLStudio transport controls to a M-Audio Axiom 25 transport control buttons.

"I've created a nice little webpage that outlines a specific modification I made to my 202: a high-rate LFO switch. This is only remarkable because I haven't seen any mention of it on any of the enthusiast lists (AH) or anywhere on the internet.

I've done a bunch of other mods to the 202 (outlined on the page), but this is one that was missing. I mean, the 101's Novamod has it, why can't the 202? The synth architecture is just about the same."

Very cool. Thanks D!

Tomita Synthesizers - New Flickr Shot

flickr by AdamVandenberg.

Wilson The Rocker - Hazel

All Mono Evolver track with Dr. Fusion for the drums. Title link takes you there. Via this VSE Post.

Sheeduz - New Flickr Shot

flickr by hi-tekznologik. Anyone know what Korg that is?

Serge Modular P*rn

Title link takes you to more. Sent to AH via Cary Roberts.

New FM-800 Sample Updates

I posted about the FM-800 filter FM mod for the Korg Poly-800 and EX-800 on April 15. New samples have been uploaded. Title link takes you there.

FM800 filter mod

Get More Bass out of Your Micromoog and Multimoog

Need more bass out of that Micromoog or Multimoog? Title link takes you to a mod that gives it.

"Micromoogs and Multimoogs have always been adequate for lead lines and noise FX, but they have a "fault" that restricts their ability to deliver bass timbres a'la the classic Minimoog bass. The VCF has a cap on the audio input that provides DC isolation, but it also forms a high pass filter; on the Micro/Multi, the cap is not large enough to allow low frequency components to pass through."

"I compared the modified Micromoog to the Minimoog, and the Micro can easily compete (on a one oscillator level, of course)."

Update via an aononymous reader:
"This mod is just plain wrong.
A bad idea.

There's a reason that Moog put in a .47 uf cap instead of a 100uf cap.
That's over 200 times greater capacity and DC will thump right on in!
.47's are not the most common of caps either. Moog could have easily put in a much more common 1uf or 10uf, but didn't."

Kick Ass Creative Drum Machine

"This is Rock and Roll." An oldie but a goodie.

And then there's Belinda and of course Zlad.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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