Friday, July 13, 2007

Roland RE-201 Space Echo Loop

YouTube via 123synthland.
"Here's another Roland RE201 we're just about ready to put up for sale. This no-frills clip demonstrates a 1 bar bell sequence from a Yamaha QY series mini workstation / paperweight being effected by the tape delay section of the Space Echo. Kind of brings me back to a nightmare I had where the icecream truck just wouldn't go away. :) But anyway, the first few seconds are without effect, then echo modes are manually switched and tape speed's tweaked a couple times too. We love Space Echos! Enjoy. Email us anytime at"

OB-SX fixed

YouTube via zamisers7k. I swear the OB-SX sounds fuller than the OB-Xa. Anyone out there A/B the two? I have and the OB-SX did sound fuller, but I'm curious if it was just the two I compared.

Speak & Spell x 9

Title link takes you to shots via this auction.

"I started to get into pitch bending and it was REALLYY fun and rewarding but too time consuming for me. I did one speak & spell monster that is included. It has bleeping sounds changed pitch, reset button. pretty basic but cool! So I am selling off my undoctored collection! Two of the speak & spells are the older ones with buttons."

Speak & Read
Speak & Spell
Speak & Math

Roland SH-3

Title link takes you to shots via this auction.

"RARE ROLAND SH 3 ANALOG SYNTHESIZER. Roland infringed on Moog's filter design and was forced to cease production of this model very early resulting in very few being made.They then released the much more common SH 3 A with a different filter design.Consequently the SH 3 has become a very collectable and rare synth."

Anyone know the story behind this? True?

Image-Line Morphine Additive Soft Synth

Title link takes you to more including a downloadable demo and samples on the top right. Also check out their other soft synths to the left when you get there.

"Morphine’s 128 harmonic oscillator engine is fully optimized for producing a high quality, warm sound, with ground shaking bass and crystal clear high frequencies. Based on complex, full 32 bit mathematics, with no internal sampling to avoid interpolation noises so Morphine retains that 'analog' quality.

The oscillators are also optimized for fast amplitude and frequency modulation response for accurate tone reproduction.

The oscillator engine is not only thing that makes Morphine sound so great. With an infinite number of harmonic snapshots 'per-spectrum', and the ability to map a unique spectra for each note, you can generate a realistic and balanced sound over the entire keyboard range.

Additionally, the four generator sources can be morphed via the in-built mix/morph envelope or from an external MIDI controller. Combined with the four independent multipoint modulation envelopes, assignable to many internal parameters, you can achieve any sound, just like you imagined it.

As an ‘Easter-egg’ for the sound designers among you, Morphine provides unison and comb/pulse width filter modulation of the harmonics directly, adding even more motion to the sound.

Be inspired. Resynthesis allows you to capture a complete spectrum from any audio sample, for accurate emulation of real instruments, or as a starting point for something completely new, using the in-built editing tools. Unlike the resynthesis of other additive synthesizers, Morphine provides total control so the resynthesized sounds are as close to the original sample as possible."

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Resonant Frequency

"Welcome to Resonant Frequency.

I am an analog synthesizer enthusiast, and have attempted to create a useful resource for fellow musicians. On this website you will find a variety of articles, schematics and links related to building, modifying and playing analog synthesizers.

Please select a topic from the list of links on the left of the screen.

Check the Homebrew Synth section for information about the various synths I have built, and things that are currently under development. There are photos, schematics and audio samples of my projects

The Gear Mods page has some schematics and details of some gear I have modified including the Boss DR-110 and Roland SH-101.

The Article Archive has a dozen or so articles relating to both building and playing synths.

I have 2 seperate links pages; one is specifically for DIY-related sites, and my General Links page has links to librarians, reviews, specs and other details

Finally, I have some useful component Datasheets, electronics components for sale, some examples of my music and a search engine to help you find information."

Title link takes you there.


Title link takes you to more shots sent my way via skkatter.

flickr by donnacha costello.

percianterocco synth: ORGANISM 1.0

YouTube via percianterocco.
"THIS IS A NEW NOISE SYNTH IN A PLAYSTATION BOX. 3 oscillators (square wave) and many sonic possibilites....." via Rocco Perciante

Videoclip Computer Rock

YouTube via cyteck. "By MuSiK" via


flickr by HellionYell.

click here for the full size shot.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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