Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Richard Lainhart to Play Moogfest 2007

"I'm pleased and proud to announce that I will be performing with Jordan Rudess at this year's Moogfest ( on September 22 at B. B. King's in New York City!

What's more, I'll be bringing my new Buchla 200e/Continuum ( system to the land of the Moog for the first time.

Performers include Thomas Dolby, T Lavitz, Don Preston, Adam Holzman, Gershon Kingsley, Herb Deutsch, and many other pioneers and practitioners of the art of Moog synthesis, so it should be an evening of diverse and exciting music. I hope to see you there."

Be sure to check out these posts.


Click here for a couple more shots via this auction.

"(this website has real audio files of the SYNTH)

- Internally the analog circuits are identical to Rolands original design
(same component types, topology, 18dB/oct resonance filter etc.) There are
no IC's used to simplify the design!
- The Mark II version has a revised MIDI interface for better control and
for example user selectable MIDI channel.
- The TBS303 is on purpose build in a desktop type housing to make real
time control by hand, better (just like the original!)"

back to school

One more flickr by mtritter.

click here for the full size shot.

Doepfer in car.

relaxing on the lawn

flickr by mtritter.

click here for the full size shot.

Doepfer on grass.

Switched-ON Rock

"The Moog is played by Kenny Ascher, arrangements are done by Alan Foust and Norman Dolph produced & tuned.

Some liner stuff:
The amazing thing about all the sounds is not that they are done one voice at a time, but rather one finger at a time. The silly machine only plays one note at a time and the temptation play a chord must be overcome... you only get the lowest note if you press more than one key. Improvisation is difficult but far from impossible if you redefine the problem."

Title link takes you to a free download stream of the album on Wiel's Time Capsule.

Plan B Model 11 - Prototype Demo and First Image

via REwire: "This is a demo/song using the New Plan-B Model 11 Evil Twin Bandpass Filter. I used the Prototype version and the final will be the same but a bit wider. I ran just one or two oscs, drums and some vocals all through the filter (with a bit of Reverb and Delay in my DAW). It has a 6db and 12db output that I frequently panned left and right for stereo effects. This is a Bandpass Filter that uses Vactrols (4 inside) and has controls for Frequency, Bandwidth and Resonance with CV of F and BW. When the Bandwidth is narrowed down, the resonance gets extremely crunchy and it seems to self oscillate in an erratic nature that makes it sound like all hell is going to break loose. It has a switch that patches in a second feedback mode for even more distortion, hence the "Evil Twin" reference. In my demo, I patched all sorts of LFO's, ENVs, Filter FM and hand control to twist every patch through the ringer. Can't say I've heard anything like this that wasn't coming out of a vacuum tube!"

SID Synth

Two shots via this auction. Update: be sure to check out the comments of this post.

"This is a hand made Analog Synth with SID 6581 as the sound engine. It has a 2x16 Blue LCD, blue LED power and midi in

indicator There are (6) Big Black Buttons to select menu functions. There are midi in and outs on this unit.

_it has blue and red LED's
-this version has artwork on front panel
-All internal wiring is CAT5 and hot glued down at the solder locations to survive a very long lifespan
-the front and back panels are very thick clear and Transparent Blue plexiglass.
-12v AC power adapter is included (WALLWART)
-a HEATSINK is on the SID6581 for cooling and heat management.
-It can be edited via CC midi messaging.

Here is the myspace link to here a demo of what it is capable of: It was mixed down in CUBASESX

All songs are 100% SID only, the first song only has VOCODED INTRO."

Audio Damage Liquid Now Available

"Liquid is a through-zero flanger, and excels in adding vintage vibe to your recordings. From a subtle ADT effect on vocals or electric piano on up to massive "Jet" style 2-buss flanging, Liquid will bring the classic sound of real tape machine flanging to your modern DAW.

A normal flanger, at least in today's world, is just a delay line set to a very short time with some feedback. In "analog" pedals this is done with a bucket-brigade delay chip, and in DSP-based effects like digital pedals and plug-ins, it is one of the easiest effects to create. However, the original flanging effect was created by running two tape machines with the same material in sync, then varying the speed of one of them (sometimes by actually applying pressure to the flange of the tape reel with a finger) to cause some rather extreme and odd comb filtering.

Made popular by George Martin (and used heavily on John Lennon's vocals on many tracks from Revolver on) and Phil Spector (who used it on, well, just about everything), it is a classic effect that was difficult to achieve in software. Until now."

Title link takes you there.

DSI Prophet '08 SE

Pic of the DSI Prophet '08 Special Edition sent my way via Stephen Jones. Click the image for the full size shot.

MAM RS3 Resonator

Click here for shots via this auction.

"Three bandpass filters, controlled by various modulations. Includes original box (not shown) and power supply. Front and rear inputs; input jack for external modulation. Stereo outs. This makes an excellent 'secret sauce' tool for absolutely all gear when run on an fx bus, or straight from your synth/pedals/etc."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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