Friday, July 02, 2010

Keyboard Cat After Dentist

YouTube via chuckieart | May 02, 2010

"The poor cat butchers his hit tune after a little too much anesthetic at the dentist! Join the posse!"

And the original with T-Shirt. A search on "keyboard cat" with the quotes will bring up more including keyboard dog. via Laura

RC-1324-VC with Roland US-2, GR-300, GR-700 and VG-99

YouTube via WayneJoness | July 02, 2010

"Guitar synthesizer indulgence! A modern 13-pin guitar plugs into a RC-1324-VX, which drives a VG-99, and then a US-2. The US-2 connects to a GR-300 and GR-700"

Rare VIC-20 VIC20 SYNTHESOUND Music Synthesizer

via this auction

For the Commodore VIC-20

VCO Analogue Solutions Concussor Module - brief introduction

YouTube via ASUKLTD | July 02, 2010

"This is not a demo as such, but an introduction to VCOs. Shown here is our compact 6HP VCO."


YouTube via FSK1138 | July 02, 2010

"if you remove the plastic side panel off the korg ms20 lc controller - it fits together to form a very nice table top synth - the "L" shaped unit is basically hollow with all the circuitry on the back of the front panel -- i plan to add some wood side panels to give it that analog look - :)"


" FSK1138 | July 02, 2010

just a quick test
using korg ms20 lc to control Robosapian via robobance software
webcam attached to chest is sending midi data to softsynths in FLstudio 9"

proto panel closeup

flickr by bdu
(click for more)

"'Just ran across these pix of the 288 Time Domain Processor prototype: I
owned this prototype years ago -- got it in trade, then traded it away. It
was originally sourced from the Buchla Garage Sale in the '80s.' - Gino Robair"

Dancing On the Moog

flickr by Jubilant Quackenbush

"If you view large you can see the sequined Supergirl symbol on my pink booty shorts <3<3<3"

Moog Minimoog Model D Signed by Bob Moog with Moog Ribbon Controller

via this auction

"Moog Minimoog Model D with Ribbon Strip Controller and original manual signed by Robert Moog himself.

This Synthesiser is a classic and in unbelievable condition with the pastic cover still over front panel.

* Moog MiniMoog Model D Synthesiser
* Ribbon Controller Signed by Bob Moog
* Full origional Manuals Signed by Bob Moog
* Full Flight Case
* Full Serviced and in perfect working condition

This Minimoog has never been gigged and still adorns the original plastic cover on the front panel.

The original Moog modular synthesizers were sold as pieces of professional audio equipment, they were made to order, and were considered to be too complex and high-tech for an average musician. The concept for the Minimoog was to take some of the basic features of the modular instruments and integrate them into a compact and simplified performance synthesizer that could be programmed without patch cords.

Designing a portable synthesizer was a new challenge for Moog; not knowing what it should look like the design was given to the Moog Industrial Engineers who created industrialised computer terminal like machines. These designs were rubbished by Moogs musician friends, who wanted natural wood and simple lines.

After a series of prototypes the Moog Minimoog Model D was the only model to be put into production, featuring three voltage-controlled oscillators, a mixer, noise source, VCA and a warm resonant filter which could be controlled with a dedicated EG, the Mini also had an external input which allowed external signals to be processed through the filter, as well as a voltage controlled S-Trigger jack which allowed the Mini to be hooked up to a ribbon, sample-and-hold or percussion controller.

Released in 1971 the Minimoog became the most popular synthesizer of all time, famous for its fat sound and incredible filters."

BugModular - 1Frame Setup - Overview

YouTube via BugBrand | July 02, 2010

"Here's a quick run-down of the BugModular 1Frame Setups.
Visit for more details.

All sounds are, naturally, from 1Frame setups and are recorded straight, no effects.

(Sorry about the crappy video editing -- not one of my strong points..)"

MB4 Analogue Solutions Concussor Module - brief introduction

YouTube via ASUKLTD | July 02, 2010

"This is not a demo as such, but an introduction to the MB4 MIDI-Trigger / MIDI-Clock / MIDI-Binary."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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