Sunday, November 20, 2011


YouTube Uploaded by arnouxindahouse on Nov 20, 2011

"Messing around on Renè.
Day one, patch one.
Random melody in C major."


YouTube Uploaded by ux256 on Nov 20, 2011


AOS Demo PT.1 - Audio Input

YouTube Uploaded by BugBrand on Nov 20, 2011

"Pt.1 of 3

Introducing external signals through the UTL1 Preamp and then processing within the BugSystem.

TR606 - goes through the PRC2 BugCrusher

Mono/Poly - goes through the SV Filter and LPG with a little sequencing from the SEQ1 (triggered by the 606)"

Not seeing Part 2 yet. I'll add it when it becomes available.
Update: Part 2 added:

AOS Pt2 - Drum Synth with 606 Triggering

AOS Demo Pt.3 - Filter Pinging and MonoPoly Arp-Trig

Uploaded by BugBrand on Nov 18, 2011

"Pt. 3 of 3.

I made a V-Trig to S-Trig converter to turn the BugMod gate signals (regular 0 to +10V) into what the Korg Mono/Poly needs (+15 to 0 V) - simple transistor jobby off the 'net. This opens up a load of possibilities!

Then showing how you can use the PRC3A SV Filter to make drum sounds - here a bass and then a 2nd one for hi-freq pings.

And a VCO passing through the WaveFolder.

Goes pretty freeform at the end...

(recorded straight to camera, so the sound isn't the best... Rough edits..)

[Wow, has YouTube really crushed the video quality?! The vid was clearer before.. oh well..]"

Roland TB 303 with Devil Fish Mods

via this auction

"taken to Real World Interfaces for Devil Fish mods and midi, has no paint wear around pots, 100% working order, has had very little use also comes with a Mooger Fooger cp 251, this allows lfo modulations and other stuff a 303 or devil fish wont do on their own. Comes with vinyl 303 carry case, Devil fish manual, cp 251 manual and power supplies for both, a special midi/din sync cable that allows you connect up to 3 din machines and start from a midi sequencer(akai mpc) and a couple patch cables..."

MFB Synth 2 Analogue Synthesizer & Sequencer

via this auction

"* 3 analogue VCOs (sawtooth, square, triangle waveforms). Pulse/PWM on Osc 2.
* 2 envelope generators (ADSR).
* analogue 24 dB lowpass filter with resonance (VCF).
* 2 LFOs (sawtooth, square, triangle, random waveforms) with One shot.
* 50 preset- and 49 user memories.
* integrated step sequencer with 2 Octave micro keyboard.
* Oscillator sync, Ring modulator, Detune, Audio Input/Overdrive, Noise.
* MIDI In/Out, CV/Gate In"

Buchla Spirit

YouTube Uploaded by Ebotronix on Nov 20, 2011

"Buchla System #1 and Crumar Spirit
Spirit midi to cv by Kenton Pro Solo Mk2
261e to Spirit Audio in
Spirit to 292e
Akai MFC 42
Make Noise Format Jumper
Moog MP 201 Midi LFO via 225e
Yamaha MCS 2 via 225e for 281e (attack decay) and Spirit Filter cv"

Acidlab AUTOBOT MIDI Disco

YouTube Uploaded by xtront on Nov 20, 2011

Vanderson plays on the Radikal Technologies - Spectralis 2

YouTube Uploaded by grooveproject on Nov 20, 2011

"my 3 new performances recorded today...
All sounds from Spectralis 2
Additional sounds:
- Wind sound from An1x
- Sin Lead and Choir sound from CS2x

Last track inspired from "The Escher Drawings" Part VII by Bas Broekhuis"

Low-Gain - Make'n'Noise (Make Noise AnalogMemory Demo 03)

via The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Make'n'Noise by low-gain
"Live improvised jam using MakeNoise dual Pressure Points + Brains + Analog Memory,
Piston honda into dual ModDemix into Opto Mix to Sea Devils Filter. Optomix being controlled via Maths. SEQ01 triggering maths Optomix Brains, etc. Lots of modulation provided by AnalogMemory and Pressure Points. MG-1 used to reverse direction of Brains. Quantimator transpose controlled via Z8000, Analog Memory to Piston Honda CV attenuated by Synthwerks SP-1P. Lots of fun going on here!"

Polyoptics: op1 - tape track to drum sampler.

YouTube Uploaded by Axiomatick on Nov 20, 2011

"Dropped a track into the drum sampler by accident, ended up messing around for a bit."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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