Friday, December 07, 2012

12 Days of Modular 2012-Day 7-BBD Delay

Published on Dec 7, 2012 by raulsworldofsynths

"Day 7: A look at a BBD Delay.Video series of 12 different scenes from the Modular World of Raul's World of Synths.Sound and Video by Raul Pena.©Raul Pena 2012"

All parts here.

Korg EX-800 with HAWK and AtomaHawk Upgrades

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction

"The original EX-800 had only a very basic MIDI implementation and also had somewhat limited sound modulating abilities. The HAWK and AtomaHawk kits bring so many new features including total MIDI control of every parameter. And the number of parameters is nearly doubled. There are four LFO's (2 LFO's and 2 SLFO's) instead of just one. The resonance, moog slayer and FM-800 mod's are part of the AtomaHawk upgrade. So you get all of those mod's and also the 12/24db per octave mod is included too. What really makes the difference is having those mod's under MIDI and patch memory control. Now you can use envelope generator 3 and any of the four LFO's to control the mod's. There is also MIDI velocity sensitivity, portamento and many, many more features including harmonic modulation. You also get 256 patch memory in 4 banks of 64. And all data is stored in flash ROM so you can forget about battery replacement and rest easy about battery leakage causing damage since you don't need an internal battery at all..."

Elektron Analog Four 2nd test - with Monotribe

Published on Dec 7, 2012 by darenager
"Second test, this time I tried syncing with the midi equipped Monotribe. The Monotribe is just doing the snare and hihat, the A4 is doing the kick and synth sounds, I tried to give a bit of a demo of the filters in the A4 by adjusting them on the various sounds. Again this is a first day demo so I am not fully au fait with the machine yet."

Yamaha CS-50 demo (Terminator main theme, Equinoxe 5)

Published on Dec 7, 2012 by kebunator
Just got hold of a Yamaha CS-50 and was blown away. Although several live videos await editing, and I usually don't do synth demo videos only, I couldn't help myself. Just playing this thing brings back a lot of memories...

Recorded to computer with reverb & delay. No EQ or mastering processors. Quick and dirty.

Breathing Modular #121207

Published on Dec 7, 2012 by AsteroidKillerMusic

Blippoo maiden voyage

Published on Dec 7, 2012 by Henrik Nordvargr Björkk
"First three minutes with my bananafied Blippoo Box. This will take some time to understand, if even possible. Love it."

Laurie Spiegel Featured on Pitchfork - Intro on NASA's Golden Disk

"The experimental pioneer's groundbreaking work with computers in the 70s and 80s helped lay the foundation for many of today's electronic noise makers.

Probably the most remarkable thing about Laurie Spiegel is that a piece of music she made could be the first sound of human origin to be heard by extraterrestrial lifeforms. If aliens exist, of course. And assuming they have ears.

Spiegel's computer realization of a composition conceived back in the early 17th Century by the German astronomer Johannes Kepler is the opening cut on the Golden Record, a disc that accompanied both Voyager probes on their journey across the solar system and out into the great interstellar beyond in 1977..."

Read the full article on Pitchfork here.  Note the EMLs to her right.  The track that is floating in outer space?  "Kepler's Harmony of the Worlds" performed on the Bell Labs "computer-analog hybrid" below.  Don't miss vintage footage of Laurie performing on the system in this post. The track "Kepler's Harmony of the Worlds" was featured on Spiegel's "The Expanding Unniverse" posted here back in October.   It was the second to last track.  It's fascinating to think the message sent on NASA's Voyager probes opens with a synth.

Kepler's Harmony of the Worlds
video upload by Laurie Spiegel - Topic

John Bowen Solaris

via James Maier on Facebook

"Insanity with keys on... ♥ ♥ ♥"

James runs

Elektron AnalogFour first test - Acid, drums, A4

Published on Dec 7, 2012 by darenager
"Quick first test demo of the new Elektron Analog4, I wanted to see what it was like for making drum sounds and also some acid, this was done within about 90 minutes of getting it, so by no means a thorough run through. I have not yet tested most of the features so that is why this is just a basic demo. There are more comprehensive demos from guys that have had them a bit longer so check those out for some of the advanced stuff. First impressions are that it is very well suited to making analog drum sounds, as per usual with Elektron gear you can radically change the sound on each step, so with just a couple of tracks you can make some nice drum patterns, I will be exploring this further in a future video, right now I'm back off to play with it :)"

The Atomic Synthesizer System

via Atomic Shadow on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Ian Fritz Double Deka Ultrasonic VCO & modules.

Note the oscillator waveshape sliders.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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