Monday, August 08, 2005

Yamaha GX1 site

This just in via AH. The Yamaha GX1 was the precursor to the Yamaha CS80. Check out this link for more including some video! Make sure to check out the bass pedal video. Sick.

More MacBeth M5 Samples

New and old samples by Nico Schaap. Check em out. : )

Update: Also check out the MacBeth Studio Systems site for updates and some beautiful shots.

Museum of Making Music - Moog Flickr shot

Minimoog shot in via Flickr. Interesting thing is it was taken at the Museum of Making Music in Carlsbad, California. I never knew about it. Click through to check out the museum site and be sure to check out the virtual museum. Electronic keyboards start coming in with Gallery 4, 1950-1969. Pretty cool. Definitely need to check this out during my next visit to LA.

Update: unfortunately the shot that was here is gone.

Morrison Digital Trumpet

Found this posted on Engaget. Click here for more including pictures, videos and sound samples. It's great to see more controllers out there.

Can a Polyevolver sound like a Yamaha CS80?

One thing I noticed listening to the demos on carbon111's Polyevolver site is how much the Polyevolver actually sounds similar to the Yamaha CS80 to me in his examples. I particularly noticed it in the warm pad demo . I thought it was just me, but somone else pointed out that the soft lead demo sounded a bit like this CS80 demo. It's interesting; the CS80 filter has that swarming bee quality to it, missing in the Polyevolver, and it sounds a bit fuller in these samples, but that certain organic quality is there.

More OB-Mx Samples (via zengomi)

Just in from zengomi. Bass and lead on this track are the OB-Mx. Nice track.

Great Polyevolver Site

Carbon111 has put up a nice Polyevolver site containing some softer demos of the Polyevolver as well as programming tips, waveshape charts, and wallpaper. Click through for more.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

MPC - no not that one.

This turned up on AH via Cikira. It's not an Akai MPC model. MPC stands for Music Percussion Computer. It was manufactured in England as a drum kit, sequencer, mixer and computer according to Synthony. It also had a Timex Sinclair 1000 personal computer interface. More after the hop.

Photos from rrooyyccee

Some amazing synth shots from rrooyyccee on Flickr. This actually came in from royce via AH. This one with the green oscilliscope running in the background is my favorite. Gorgeous.

Korg Poly-800 Moog Slayer Mod

Just saw this on the Vintage Synth Museum boards. It's a DIY mod for the Poly 800 that adds knobs and increases the range of the filter. From the site:
"This thing can do dangerous sounds, like the speaker-blowing (and ear-blowing!) sounds of old modular synths. It's really sick.... In addition to the usual disclaimers (if you break it, it's your problem, not mine!), I'd like to also point out that I will not be responsible for blown speakers, amps & ear-drums." Hard to beleive but it did score high marks from some who have tried it.

Update: I was trying to figure out what looked off about the picture below other than the mod. I didn't think the Poly 800 had volume and speed pots of the same design of the Polysix and I don't remember a tune pot, then I realized, duh, the picture is the EX-800, the Poly-800 desktop unit.


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