Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Thought I put up a post on Synth1 already, but I guess not. I mentioned Synth1 as being one of the best free VSTs out there in my previous post on the Superwave P8. Title link takes you there. It's one of my favorite VSTi. What amazes me is back when I first got into synths, I had to save up nearly a year and a half to get my Matrix-6 at roughly $1300 in 1986 dollars. Today you can get hundreds of synths for free. You need a PC and good midi/audio interface to get going, but wow, once you get past that, the potential vs. cost is amazingly slanted towards potential. Awesome times...


Superwave P8 - Free VSTi

Sounds like this free VSTi is worth checking out. Some posts on Vintage Synth Explorer call it out as one of the best free VSTis out there. It apparently does a great job at the Roland JP8000 supersaw. Synth1 also gets a nod. I have Synth1 and it is amazing. Going to check out Superwave P8 this weekend.

Superwave 8

Another Track from Heath Finnie

Via Vintage Synth Explorer. Track included an Arp 2600, Alesis Andromeda and Minimoog. I love his music. The base line and feel reminds me of my favorite local Seattle band, Juno.


Analog, Knobs, STD. That's STD as in Stereo Tapped Delay. I haven't seen this before, but I'm pretty inept when it comes to effects. Inside joke for a couple of people out there that know this. : ) This unit recently came up for sale on AH. Title link takes you to two shots, one a bigger version of the below, and the other the flip side or second page listing control functions, rear panel functions and specifications.


Yamaha CS15 on the *bay

Title link takes you to more shots saved for posterity. Click here for the auction. I have no affiliation with the auction, just grabbing the shots before they are lost to the ether. Where do those electrons go anyway? It's all voodoo I tell ya...


Monday, October 03, 2005

Electro Harmonix Electric Mistress Flanger/Filter Matrix

Only something to see here, literally. : ) I just like this shot. I wasn't going to post this but I figured why not. Title link just takes you to a bigger shot. Oh, and it's got green, black and it says Matrix. : )

Electro Harmonix Electric Mistress

Radikal Technologies Spectralis

I haven't been to the Radikal Technologies site in some time. It's been updated with samples and more. Title link takes you there. Worth checking out again if you haven't been there in a bit. The Spectralis is from Jorg Schaaf, previously of Quasimidi. In a sense this would be the next generation synth from the minds that made Quasimidi. Moogulator has a great page up with more info on the Spectralis. Click here for the page.


Ross Perot and Spectralis

Via ByronIV on AH. Too funny.


Click here for more on the Radical Technologies Spectralis.

How I wish this was a synth...

Via Engadget. Looks like a music player phone. It's just a matter time before we will have all our synths in our pocket. Actually, you can get a Pocet PC (phone edition or not), and Griff.

Not a Synth:

And a synth:

Babelfish Link

Moog Moves

In via Sonic State. It's great to see Moog Music moving forward.

Moog Moves

“Bob helped pick out this space and design the layout,” states company President, Mike Adams. “We felt that it was important to stay in Asheville, where our roots are, and this area meant a great deal to Bob. Unfortunately, Bob did not have the opportunity to work in the finished space. His legacy lives here in the products we produce and the people he worked with. We are excited to settle into the new facility and continue the great tradition of innovation that is Moog.”

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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