Thursday, March 23, 2006

Waldorf XTk - New Flickr Set

Looks like Carbon111 set up a flickr site and this shot just popped up in my reader. Cool. Title link takes you to the set.

The DMX Files

Title link takes you to The DMX Files, a site dedicated to the Oberheim DMX drum machine.

I recently had a thread going with Ed of dmxkrew. The conversation lead to the Oberheim DMX drum machine. I have an Oberheim DX and that bass drum kicks. It always fascinated me that the DMX kick did not get the same attention as the 808 or 909. Yes the 808 and 909 are analog, but that solid kick in New Order's Blue Monday was a DMX, and it has one hell of a punch. Ed brought up a good point, you can sample a DMX and pretty much get exactly the same sound out, but an 808 or 908 just doesn't come out the same.

Nice Modular

Another shot from softestthing via the comments of this post.

Roland RE-200

Not a synth, but you can run one through it. : ) Just don't see these everyday. Title link takes you to the shots pulled from this auction.

Emergency Services - New Flickr Shot

flickr by мסмסяפаи.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

New Moog Specs are Up

In case you missed the update to this post. Title link takes you to the full list on Moog's website. Scroll when you get there.

Pi Sequencer on Voltage Controlled

Too cool. Title link takes you to the post.

My First Step Sequencer

Title link takes you there.

ndc Plugs has released My First Step Sequencer, a simple 16-(or 8-)step sequencer aimed at children. It comes with a shuffle mode and a note randomize button, as well as a scale-forcing control, to make it so that you can only select notes within a particular scale.

The notes are represented by animal heads in the carriage windows, with the velocities being represented by flowers on the carriage doors. The octave can be changed by clicking the body of the engine. A signal at the bottom right is a global mute - setting it down will stop the plugin from outputting MIDI data. The arrow at the bottom left can be used to display a number of advanced options, left to right:

Number of steps (16 or 8).
Scale: lets you ignore certain notes, to enforce a particular scale.
Notes: Switches between displaying the notes as animal heads, or their actual values.
Random: randomizes the note values.
My First Step Sequencer is available for free as a VST effect plugin for Windows and Mac OS X and it is open source, so the source code is also available.

AHMW 2006

Just a reminder that AHMW 2006 is this Saturday, March 25. Title link takes you to more info.

AHMW 2005

New Moog - Initial Specs Leaked

Update: Moog put up the official specs: (scroll down when you get there).

A spec list was leaked on the Moog forum and posted on AH as follows. Amos of Moog jumped in and stated that the spec list leaked was not complete. We know it's a synth so... Here are some basics sent my way via Dylan. I also saw the specs on AH. So if that list gets to see it, so do you. ; )


It was posted at address (now forbidden) :

specs for the new synth : "Little Phatty"

Little Phatty Tribute Edition

Here are some specifications:

Sound Sources:
Two ultra-stable analog VCOs.

Sound Modifiers:
VCLPF: 24 dB /Oct Moog Ladder filter,
Overload control
Single Output VCA.

Envelope Generator section:
One to modulate the Filter (Filter EGR)
One to Modulate the VCA (Volume EGR).

For each EGR, the parameters are:


Modulation section:
4-waveform LFO
1x1 Mod Buss
6 possible mod sources
4 possible destinations.

User Interface section:
Fine Tune (for both Oscillators)
Glide On/Off
Octave Down
Octave Up

Output section:
Master Volume control
Output On/Off switch
Headphone Volume control
Headphone output jack (1/4?

I/O Panel Section:
AC In (100-250VAC, 50-60 Hz)
Power On/Off
Audio Out
Ext. Audio In
Pitch CV In (1 V/Oct)
Filter CV In
Volume CV In
Keyboard Gate In
Midi In
Midi Out

the price was briefly posted as $1479

(info from analogue heaven mailing list btw)

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