Tuesday, October 24, 2006

EMS Synthi 100

And it's back on the bay. Previously posted here, however it looks like there are actually a couple of new shots. Title link takes you to all shots pulled via this auction. Some one buy this so I can see what my affiliate chunk on 60k would be. : ) I'll even let you know how much it was. BTW, if someone actually can afford to shell out 60k for this, umm... make sure to check it out first.

via one of the anonymous in the comments of this post.

Axiom 25 Wood Pimped

Soloandata added some wood to this Axiom 25. Title link takes you to a couple of shots pulled via this CDM thread.

Update: Post up on CDM.

EH MicroSynth

flickr by Breakfast for Dinner

Modular Moog

flickr by Joel Abbott.

Title link takes you to more shots apparently taken at AES.

Roy at Modular Moog

flickr by Joel Abbott.

Anyone know what he's messing with? Underside of a keyboard?

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Waldorf Edition

Image via

via La Orange Factory

Minimoog #066

Via Josh

"Mini (#066) with pitch and modwheel modification (color changing pitch to blue to purple and pulsating mod wheel)"

Title link takes you to more shots.

Shadow XTk and Andromeda A6 Prototype

You are looking at only one of two Shadow XTks in the world and an Adromeda A6 prototype. Click here for more shots.

via Josh

Fenix Modular

Title link takes you to some shots of Josh's Fenix Modular. He actually posted this unit for sale on Analog Heaven. Here's a link to the post if you are intersted.

Song For Duets

Title link takes you to a track by Mark of the DSI PEK (Poly Evolver Keyboard) and the Jomox XBase09SE.


"OK here goes - a little demo (audio only) of the XBase09SE and PEK in action. Three tracks of XBase: kick, with a little analog Ashly SC-66 EQ; swishy snare, with a little LFO and analog EQ (more Ashly); and rim/clap, with analog echo (tube echoplex). Drum sounds were group-compressed with analog comps (Ashly CL50's). Two tracks of PEK: a pad of analog osc's in random VCA mode, sync'd to XBase clock; and a saw/pulse lead with some LFO on a sync'd osc. I'm still just dipping my toes in, so there's not a whole lot that goes on dynamically, but I just thought these were cool sounds and patterns that others might find inspirational as well. Happy noodling..."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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