Thursday, June 01, 2006

EML Electrocomp 100

via this auction

via sizone in the comments of this post: "not related, but here's the link to an eml on ebay, cat included in one of the shots"

Thanks sizone.

Update via nick in the comments:

"I've got a 100 and 101. The blue is very pretty though can get a lot of nicks and dings in it over the years. The 101 aluminum(?) has all the legends etched and paint filled so it won't show wear like the 100's white painted legends on metallic blur.

Correct that the 101 has a ring mod and S&H. It has some diffferent waves and the different filter uniquely does LP->BP->HP->BR->LP using a pot rather than the 101 who's filter pot does LP->BP->HP. The 100 since it has slightly less features has some slightly more sensible jacks up top. Those familiar with the 101 will notice it's not quite as patched out as the first impression it gives."

Synth From Nothin'

Well, tomato juice, sea salt and some other stuff. Title link takes you there, including a video.

Rex The Dog - Machines

CASIO CZ230-S. Title link takes you to another shot. Via

i'm so proud of this - New Flickr Shot

flickr by arnehepp. Title link takes you to another shot.

Roland SH1 and Korg MS20 - New Flickr shot

flickr by Skyphone. Title link takes you to another.

Casio CZ-101 Demo

Title link takes you to another one synth sample by memo on VSE, also saved here for posterity. Great sample.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Synthesizer Restorations

"Welcome to my pages on Vintage synthesizer restoration. On these pages I aim to have information on synthesizer restoration, links to parts, manuals, schematics and so on. I have been reading electronics sporadically since way back in the 90´s and I always was the kid who fixed my neighbors TV set or VCR. So naturally I started to open up my synthesizers as well and started investigating how these machines worked and what parts they used and so on. My interest in restoring these machines does not stop at getting them back to life, I also like to cosmetically enhance these instruments either back to their original state or to do some custom work on them."

Title link takes you there. Walkthroughs and tons of shots. Pretty cool. Man I want a PPG after seeing this.

Cybersonica on CDM

If you haven't been checking out CDM lately, you've been missing some great coverage of Cybersonica 2006 like this device that plays scrps of torn paper. Yep... Title link takes you there. BTW, I love the tagging system on CDM, you can click on the cybersonica link and get all of the posts tagged with it. I wish Blogger had this.

Mike Ford's MicroSynth

"This MicroSynth purposely uses old electronic toys with the main sound modules being 2 toy rayguns from 1980, made by Kuson."

Cute synth. Title link takes you to more shots and info on GetLoFi.

old Mr. Grassi Paper Circuit

Remember Ciat Lonbarde? He now has a paper circuit now. Title link takes you there. Sound samples will come. Via Subtle Noise Maker.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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