Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Musikmesse: TipTop Audio at the Musikmesse

via the TipTop Audio Blog
The Musikmesse is almost here! All posts will have Musikmesse: in the title and the Musikmesse label below. For those new to the Messe, it's the European equivalent of NAMM.

This marks the first Musikmesse post for 2009.


Improvisation from Skot Wiedmann on Vimeo. The Motus Mavis Star Synth.
"Sorry for the poor quality of the camera audio, this was put together quickly."
sent my way via rustyanalog. You might remember this from NAMM here and here.

Modded Commodore 64 dubbed "C64 Vader" running Mssiah's Bassline app

YouTube via kilobyte242. via this auction
"custom paint, blue LED, recessed keyboard, SID2SID w/ 6581's, rca composite video, 1/4 inch audio out for each sid, innovative noise reduction mod, 4 pots"
via the seller. You can watch his listings here for more.
"i picked up about 10 c64's awhile ago and have been turing them into jam tools one by one, i relly dont need all of them so im selling off a few at very cheep starting bids on ebay. i know most people dont want to buy a finikey old computer just to hack it apart and risk its destruction, hopefully i can bring the awesomeness of mssiah to some good musicians :)
this c64 has a SID to SID with 2 6581 chips, new filter caps. direct pots. and some nice ergonomic and cosmetic mods. its set up perfectly as a jam tool for mssiah/prophet 64's drummer/bassline/monosynth apps."


flickr by Acusonic24
full size
"Yeah you heard right. This is a maual cut prophet 10. Only a handful of these beast exist. They were to un-sturdy and very fragile to be road worthy. It over heat more than the p10s and p5 rev 1-2s. All of them were ssm chip models."

Taming the Beast

flickr by NicholasGuarino
(click for more keytar action)

OP-X PLAYER within Mac VFX

YouTube via virtualoberheim

OP-X PLAYER, the cheap ($39) preset version of OP-X, played in realtime with no lateny on an intel mac within the new SM-Pro Audio VFX Application for mac (first public beta version). Note that the OP-X PLAYER is a windows vsti plugin!

The audio is routed via Cycling74 Soundflower to Apple Garage Band, where the audio stream is recorded and sent to the audio out, all without any noticeable latency!

The plugin could be installed without any problem using the integrated "Run VFX Plugin Insraller" provided in the VFX menu. The OP-X PLAYER is already adapted for VFX and V-Machine and needs no additional wizard file.

Note that you need an Intel Mac, PPC G4/G5 is not supported. Here's a short guide to try it out by yourself"

Kind of like the Oberheim OB-SX version of the OB-Xa.

Variation on Bach's Prelude No 1 for Modular Synthesizer

YouTube via justwaving
"Another tune just using sequencers, a Q119, Q960 and an M563. This is another one of my favourite Bach pieces (probably because its on of the few Bach pieces I can play!) It also uses the Analogue Solutions TR-808 and TR-909 drum machine clones, driven by the Superb Moonmodular M563."

Elka Synthex & TR 808

YouTube via zaphid

David Brans - Radium [Ems Synthi Aks]

YouTube via zaphid. follow-up to this post
"Ems Synthi Aks & Ems Random 2 voltage generator. 2 random cv's on ringmodded vco1 & 2. Filtered radio, ks sequence and a single vco patch driven thru some pitchshifters."
remember to search for zaphid on the top left for prior posts.


YouTube via bigcitymusic

"The Diabolical 606 is back again. This time it's being shaped and mangled by the SubDecay Prometheus pedal and the Catalinbread Heliotrope.

The Prometheus is an absolutely beautiful sounding envelope filter.(Maybe not in this instance). This is one of the cleanest, most pure sounding filters out there. Really! It has up and down envelope modes as well as a super hip LFO/sample & hold modulation option. There are high, band and low pass modes that can be swept with the frequency knob. You can turn down the envelope amount and use it as a fixed filter too!

Last in the chain is the Catalinbread Heliotrope. This is a super affordable, versatile and great sounding pedal. You can get bit-crushing, crazed ring modulator effects, a nice distortion via the "gain" knob, and there are two modes. "Hi" mode is a more subtle setting for sample rate reduction and bit depth. "Low" mode will turn your source sound into a groveling pile of sloshy bits and digital nastiness. We'll try and do some more refined videos with these pedals soon.

Thanks for watching!"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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