Saturday, May 09, 2009

Getting to know the Gakken Premium Theremin

Getting to know the Gakken Premium Theremin from make magazine on Vimeo.

"The Gakken Premium Theremin is an affordable and highly playable battery operated theremin instrument. Unlike most theremins, it uses an armband contact instead of a connection to earth ground. It also features -
- coarse and fine controls for both pitch and volume antennae
- master volume
- 1/8" audio output jack
- instrument stand mounting thread

Video & Music by Collin Cunningham"

Music And More (MAM) ADX 1 Demo

YouTube via zibbybone

"Quick demo of a compact and inexpensive drum synthesizer. It has 5 voice channels: Bass, Synth, Snare, Hi Hat and Metal (in ascending order on machine). One cool feature about this machine is that the Snare and Hi Hat channels feature both "open" and "closed" variants. You can here the "closed" snare on notes 5 & 13 (on a typical 16th note Roland x0x style pattern) and the "open" snare on note 8 (same note step I have the "synth" sound programmed on). Only real compaint I have with this instrument is that the MIDI note numbers are fixed and cannot be reassigned. The MIDI Channel is assigned using 4 dip switches on the rear panel. The rear panel has stereo outs (which I used with the front panel pan pots in this demonstration) and individual outs for outboard processing and/or mixing. The LED for the Metal channel is out on this particular unit. The sounds are sequenced via Roland TR-909 External Instrument mode. If you''re craving some fresh drum sounds and cannot afford the Vermona DRM-1, this is a great alternative. The bass on this demo is pretty low and cannot be heard on my crappy lap top speakers. Enjoy and be sure to check out my other videos of synths, drum machines and effects."


YouTube via LofiNinja
"Yeah I forgot the magnet on the VFD.. Shame.."

follow-up to this post

Pure Rs7000; amphetamine jam

YouTube via NachoMargahayu Yamaha RS7000
"After a big night out with some amphetamine up my nose :) this was the result. Made with only the internal sounds from the rs7000/no addition samples or sequencing "

Nord Electro 3

YouTube via MusicmarketingCanada
"The Nord keyboards are built for players. Here is a player playing a keyboard built for players like him."

VICMOD Synth Night Updates

See the links in the update of this post. Includes video and close-ups of the gear.
Direct links: images, video.

Delfy Creations Red Box

YouTube via robodelfy


via this auction


via this auction
Moody Sounds on Ebay

Folkteck The Pyra-Bug

via this auction
"The Pyra-Bug By Ben Houston .

This custom piece is part of a folktek series entitled "philanthropoid"". Known simply as the Bug series. Also in the series on the site and around the world is the Mantis, dronescape sequencer,the book of sound, the moth, the growling insect, the bug, the octa-hedra, walking stick, pendulum translator and others. The sound is phenomenol and continues to amaze us. It is a sonic symphony of nasty and grimy sweetness, endless layers of sound possibilities emenating from High quality OSC originally based on high tech speech synthesis. Seemingly random bits can be rediscovered time and time again and then there are those moments that you will most likely never rediscover. Endlessly captivating, this piece WILL provide sounds that you will not find in other synthesizers and will astonish you every time you turn it on.

This particular piece features four patchable knobs, and a twelve point magnetic patchbay. This allows you to determine function and provides tons of flexibility. In addition, two more knobs (global knob control and power kill) , glowing lamp power indicator , 2 folktek button/switches for activate and freeze mode sections, reset, 1/4" output, basic manual of function and layout. You'll be able to cipher through waveforms and textures with extreme sensitivity in thousands of ways. Waveforms (individual, or multiple layers) can be captured and maintained, often intermodulating in beautiful and/or disturbing ways. Super sensitive knobs let you filter through tons of sounds and glitchscapes. Albums are waiting to be created here as the sound is quite different from anything else you'll find.."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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