Friday, July 09, 2010

Korg Rhythm 55 KR-55

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Roland CR-8000

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Blue Roland SH-101

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ARP Odyssey MK3

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Time Scape Wave Sequencer

via this auction

"The Time Scape Wave Sequencer is the finest work by Arius Blaze - a one of a kind synth art piece based on the Time Scape and Time Machine series. Here is a chance to own this synth masterpiece.

For more info on these works, including audio and video examples see the folktek blog (time scape machine search)

'A brand new masterwork by Arius Blaze. The "Time Scape Wave Sequencer" is a sampler, processor and synthesizer with a built in 8 step sequencer. The touch board controls the polyphonic synth part which can be fed through delay or any combination of thousands of possibilities for wave shaping as well as the possibility of having the shape altered in time with the sequencer.

The synth parts can also be sampled and the sample can be added to. The sample time has been greatly expanded to 4x that of the standard time scape (up to about ten seconds of high quality and more at lower quality). The built in color oscilloscope is not a standard oscilloscope but instead a synchronized display of odd textures with controls over the textures.

Sample retriggering to synch with the sequencer, methods for adding to the sample in real time, exessive low pass and high pass feedback options and literally thousands of possibilities for shaping the sample with straight connections or through the sequencer. Incoming sounds can be greatly altered as well - everything from strange time-based stuttering to ring mods and granulation..."

JUNOST-21 Soviet keytar guitar-like poly synth

via this auction

POLYVOX POLIVOKS Soviet analogue synth

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Division 6 Multiplicity VI First Pictures

via Division 6

The Multiplicity VI is the thin module on the left. The larger module to its right is the Multiplicity XV.

The XV is currently available at Analogue Haven.
The VI is coming soon.

Krakken acid bass.wmv

YouTube via atomolab | July 09, 2010
"Not an actual song but a quick demo of the Krakken's acid bass sound, it is sequenced by the computer and connected using a USB to MIDI adaptor cable."
AtomoSynth on Ebay

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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