Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Patchwork Monotribe Sync

YouTube Uploaded by FSK1138 on Jan 4, 2012

"Patchwork is a Flash application
the clock generates tempo click at 1/4 ,1/8, 1/16
these are sent to the mixer and then to the sound out
and to the sync in of the korg monotribe

works very well

Patchwork is made by :Peter van der Noord"

Impakt Percussion Synth

flickr By Chris Kann

Another manufacturer not previously featured on the site. Anyone know more about them? According to the bottom pic they were form Portland Oregon.

As you know Chris Kann has been uploading a ton of vintage synth scans. I'll feature some of the more interesting and rare items here, but not everything. Be sure to click through the flickr links in posts for more. Once there, on the right of the page you'll see "This photo also appears in" Synthesizer Brochures. You can click on that link to get to the full set in thumbnails.

Update via David in the comments:

"I know the intimate details about the rise and fall of Impakt Percussive Synthesizers. They were the first dynamic percussion electronic instruments, hit it hard it played loud hit it soft and it played soft) The inventor was Steve Lame (?) and marketed by his son Etienne. In 1971, I was the SE distributor for the production first production run by Rogers Mfg, an organ manufacturer in Portland.

The set had a foot pedal that would sweep through the tonal range. This was the primary selling feature. I sold two sets and got an endorsement from Charlie Watts (The 1972 Stones tour where Stevie Wonder opened) and Ollie Brown Stevie Wonder's drummer and Clare Fishers’ nephew. I have the only autographed drum by both aforesaid drummers.

I had demoed to David Hood, Muscle Shoals Swamp drummer, and various studio drummers; e.g., Robert Nix, Atlanta Rhythm Section and generated a lot of interest. The holdup was the foot pedal; I had sold the only two in existence, and Rogers wanted money before they made 1,000 pedals. I ended up with 900 synthesizers and the Lame folks sold the distributorship to a hotshot Fender rep who agreed I could warehouse them and rep his lines…I found handshake agreements were only as good as the paper they are written on….ended sending the drums back to Portland COD. Haven’t seen or heard from the Lames since.
I coulda been a contender if not for you (Steve), I could have been somebody…enough On the Waterfront references…

Have many more details if anyone is interested…I plan on selling the autographed drum on Amazon."

Ionic Performer

flickr By Chris Kann

Ionic was the distributor for EMS.  The Performer was a clone of the SYNTHI.  You can find a ton of pictures on the restoration of one along with links to the history of Ionic in this previous post.

Total Technology Octron Modular

flickr By Chris Kann
(click for more)

Price sheets below.

First post to feature Total Technology. Anyone know more about them?

Daphne Oram The Oram Tapes: Volume One Now Available

"Daphne Oram, founder of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, died in 2003 leaving a colossal archive of reel-to-reel tapes and documents behind. This important collection of material eventually made its way to Goldsmiths College, London, who have been administering it on behalf of the Daphne Oram Trust for the last few years. The collection holds over 400 tapes made by Oram during her lifetime, and 211 of those have been archived and catalogued by the college so far."

You can find the release on bookmat and Amazon here.

See the Oramics label below for additional posts. Also added this one to the Synth CDs post.

via Boing Boing

Tara Busch at Moog - What's That She's Tweaking?

"One for the synth heads :)
— with Tara Busch."

via Maf on Facebook

"Matrixsynth Jones this is one for you. Video out tomorrow :)"

Update: what's that she's tweaking? ...

Voyage Into the Unknown - Andy Barrow - Minimoog Voyager XL - Korg Radias - Kawai K4

YouTube Uploaded by MrRidgebackman on Jan 4, 2012

"Hi All,

Better late than never. Having issues making anything stick, Fell upon this idea and just went with it.....Suggest a Decent pair of Headphones or Monitors - Turned up!!!

A piece of music that started out in Reason 5 using Dr Rex Loop player, I exported a couple of loops to use in my Cubase Project and worked up from there. This piece was recorded live into Cubase using a total of 8 Tracks of audio. I hope to add more tracks and make it last longer for better effect and pad this piece out with some extra sounds to add to the ambient effect (located somewhere in this track)

Some big Pad sounds from both Kawai and Radias - earning them their right to stay in the studio. The Minimoog giving me that nice deep growling bass I wanted for this music and taking full advantage of the Pitch and Mod Wheels. The Radias and the XL set the theme to start the Music off into the Voyage into the unknown

The main part of this video is of me (apparently struggling) unpacking the Voyager XL - Yes this is a heavy unit and one I did not want to drop, not that it would hurt the Moog, just probably crack the floor :-) Probably the sexiest looking synth ever - if you like the retro look and love analogue (digital is nice ...But......)

The very last part of this video with the Drums and Moog - The stereo effect is direct from the Voyager XL by using the Touch Panel to effect change in EG and its Position in the Stereo image - This will form part of the continuation for this piece of Music - Not sure on what direction I am heading in yet with this, needless to say the Moog's will be out to play

Hope you enjoy this as much as I did putting this together.

Many thanks for dropping by and watching"

Mickey Mouse play synthesizer

flickr By Pierrick Levé
(click for more)

Jarracoon - Water Harp ( Jean Michel Jarre ) / Riva

YouTube Uploaded by Stereokromatik on Jan 4, 2012

via The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge


via this auction

"This auction is for an original Korg SH2000 vintage synth complete with rare original perspex music stand!!"



Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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