Sunday, March 17, 2013

Koma jam MOSKWA

Koma jam MOSKWA from Equinoxoz music solutions on Vimeo.

jamming on a Sunday afternoon

jamming on a Sunday afternoon from Equinoxoz music solutions on Vimeo.

"Jam here using a rig I brought along to Armidale, I quite like this configuration because it has allot of distinct voicings but also multiple sequencers/clocking devices.

Not really demoing anything in particular but the Frequency Central Waverider into an Abstract Data ADE20 is performing the bassline duties, its melody is being played via the Dinsync MODSEQ into the Quantimator, and of course being plucked by the Frequency Central System X ADSR."

Modular Sounds 5

Published on Mar 17, 2013 pjoris2·10 videos

"Primarily a test of the functionality of the Flame Chord Machine and some modules I picked up yesterday, so no real track. Chords and arpeggiation are generated by the Flame Chord Machine in Quant Mode. Only major and unison chords used -- root tone is controlled by an Analogue Solutions SQ8 sequencer.

Chords are played by the Analogue Systems Sorceror: 3 RS-95 VCOs through a mixer, the RS-110 Multimode Filter, VCA and finaly through the RS-240 Bode Frequency Shifter. Some modulation of pulse width, filter cutoff, and amount of frequency shift (using 2 envelopes and LFOs).

Arpeggiation is played by an E350 Morphing Terrarium and an E340 Cloud Generator. The E340 goes through a STG Sea Devils Filter, the E350 through a VCA and both are treated by the E580 Resampling Mini-Delay in "Tape" mode.

"Drums" are controlled by gate signals of the Oberkorn. "Bassdrum" is a sine from a Doepfer A-110 standard VCO with frequency swept by an envelope. "Hihats" are some noise through a Make Noise QMMG -- two channels one in lowpass, and second in high pass mode and both go through an RS-90 Echo.

All recorded on 7 tracks of the Zoom R16."

aka Flame Machine Music on Vimeo.

Roland System 100 with Dust Cover

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PIANA Chamber Orchestra

Published on Mar 17, 2013

"A video summary of the PIANA Chamber Orchestra project, a synthesizer ensemble suitable for an interactive installation - or indeed for a touring synthpop band - constructed from 7 Raspberry Pi computers."


Raspberry Pi Chamber Orchestra ...
Published on Mar 17, 2013 Pi Synth·15 videos

"... same video as last time, but this time we have Wakeman. Phew.

Note to self - 'Mix audio' don't 'copy audio' in case the embedded videos in your Keynote presentation are at different frequencies. Quicktime can cope with the sudden move from 48 to 44.1, but YouTube can't."

Amsynth snowfall VCF drone, vcs3 style

Published on Mar 17, 2013 heodesalciphron·92 videos

In the city of glass (Doepfer analog modular system)

Published on Mar 17, 2013 GruithuisenCityMan·427 videos

"Hello ! My name is Frederic Gerchambeau. I have made this movie and this music. The music has been made using a Doepfer analog modular system. Enjoy !"

Jen Piano 73 - old school keyboard demo

Published on Mar 17, 2013

"I thought it was about time i made a video for this Jen Piano 73 electronic piano which i've had for quite a while. I completely fluked finding this by searching nearest first one ebay, it was about half a mile from my house in a converted old school house in front of the primary school i attended as a kid!

Jen are better known for their sx1000 synth and their organs so this keyboard has some stop switches in a similar vein to their organs. These are just for switching on and off fixed passive filters but can still give a fair bit of variation to the sound. There is a glorious sounding phaser built in and a fixed rate vibrato. It has 1/4" pedal, external out and headphone sockets on the rear.

It also came with a full schematic which shows that every single key has its own fixed envelope! They are adjusted in clusters so that the higher notes decay faster than the lower ones. The voicing is based on organ technology with top octave synths (oscillators) and dividers so it never runs out of polyphony which is nice. The keyboard has quite a nice action but because there is no velocity it can be very easy to catch a bum note. That's my excuse anyway.

I've uploaded the schematic here:"

MMTA Spring SYNTHFEST 2013: Walkthrough & Craig Padilla Performance

Published on Mar 17, 2013 matrixsynth·271 videos

Quick walk through of the event ending with a portion of Craig Padilla's performance.

MMTA Spring SYNTHFEST 2013: I DREAM OF WIRES Presentation

Published on Mar 17, 2013 matrixsynth·269 videos

First ten minutes is the IDOW trailer. You can find it here. Q&A with the director Robert Fantinatto comes in after ten minutes. Skip to 9:50 to get to the skype call. Again, these videos are meant to bring you to the event. You'll get some additional insight into the film not found anywhere else.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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