Monday, April 13, 2020

Hordijk Dueling DUAL ENVs

Published on Apr 13, 2020 Todd Barton

"Back to Hordijk eloquence. . .3 cables. . ."

Hidden Hand

Published on Apr 13, 2020 davidryle

"Korg Wavestate performance. Voice file from the internet."

PAIA 4700 Modular Synth

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"Vintage PAiA 4700 modular synth. As far as I can tell, these were DIY modular synths first released in 1981. These are somewhat quirky machines, and can produce some really interesting and creative sounds. Note that these use the hz/v CV standard (notably used on the Korg MS-20) rather than the modern v/octave standard. The two-part telex case conveniently closes up for easy transportation.

This unit comes with the following modules:

4710 - Balanced Modulator (x2)
4711 - 4/2 Mixer (x1)
4712 - Spring Reverb (x1)
4720 - VCO (x3)
4730 - VCF (x1)
4740 - Envelope Generator (x2)
4761 - Wing (x1)
4770 - Watt Block (x3)
4780 - Sequencer (x1)
Control Oscillator/LFO (x1)

Synthmania quick tip #21 - FullTines on 1st gen DX7

Published on Apr 13, 2020 SynthMania

"Synthmania quick tip #21 - the classic 'FullTines' patch applied to the 1st generation DX7. It's very easy to do, just load the DX7 II patches sysex into the original DX7. The DX7 II factory patches are freely available on the Internet."

Isolation Jam03

Published on Apr 13, 2020 verstaerker

"livestream Isolation Jam03 using Machinedrum, Rytm, Model:Cycles Ms 20 Mini and Toraiz Squid"

Acid Crash - Live improvised Acid Techno

Published on Apr 13, 2020 Honeysmack

"Totally improvised and unrehearsed live Acid Techno. This was a recording of a live stream on Instagram, all recorded in one take. Dedicated to Larry Sherman from Trax Records who recently passed away, RIP.

Gear in use:
Roland TR-707
Roland TB-03
Elektron Octatrack
Elektron Analog Heat
Modular synth:
No other processing or post production."

Synth Jam |Episode2| Roland System-1 & System-8 "Discovery"

Published on Apr 13, 2020 LFOstore

"Roland Sys-1 & Sys-8 are perfect partners!

You can even tweak Sys-1 parameters from the older brother.
In this video i'm starting from Pads from Sys-1 and experimenting with sequence from Sys-8.

You can find this patches here:"

FLAME Midi Talking Synthesizer w/ Joysticks

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"Includes original box, 2 original manuals and 4 different ac adapters for different types of worldwide voltage...

"The FLAME MIDI TALKING SYNTH is a small-sized MIDI-controlled sound module based on the analogue Speakjet ™ chip, produced by the U.S. company Magnevation LLC. Originally designed for basic artificially generated speech output in American English tongue it was then refined and further developed as an 8-bit sound module with speech-like sounds and synthetic robot voices as well as beeps, alarms, noise and retro-style sci-fi sounds. Due to the structure of the Speakjet ™ (with its complex sound synthesizer, preset sounds and serial interface) it offers an impressive range of possibilities. It contains 72 speech elements (allophones), 43 sound effects, and 12 DTM touch tones. The idea was to create sounds, patterns and sequences in the 8-bit style of the 80s or other retro sounds for making music instead of just simulating speech. Most allophones can be tuned and used tonally. The FLAME MIDI TALKING SYNTH contains two Speakjet ™ chips to produce a richer and more complex tonal variety as well as generating a pseudo stereo effect.

Since the Speakjet ™ has not originally been laid out for the purpose of making music it is actually not fully controllable via MIDI input, i.e.: once sounds are triggered they cannot be directly stopped by Note Off messages from a MIDI keyboard or a sequencer. Thus a MIDI-controlled audio tremolo has been implemented in the FLAME MIDI TALKING SYNTH virtually allowing MIDI control and enabling an easier integration into a MIDI setup. The FLAME MIDI TALKING SYNTH lets you play back preset words in its EXPANDER mode via an external MIDI keyboard or a sequencer. In addition you can use the FLAME MIDI TALKING SYNTH as a stand-alone MIDI controller since all controls and joysticks send MIDI control/change data to the MIDI-OUT connector.

The internal sound is generated by the two independently controlled Speakjet ™ chips. Each of them provides a mono audio output (32 kHz PWM output) through a 6.3 mm stereo socket. The right audio channel is assigned to chip A, the left channel to chip B. An insert Y cable splits both channels into two mono audio outputs, allowing you to position the channels individually within the stereo sound field with any external mixing device. The sound level ratio of both chips can be adjusted with the MIX control. An equal sound level is obtained by turning the MIX control to the cente5r position. All functions are clearly visible on the front panel with the start/ stop /MIDI-sync/ tempo functions on the upper right-hand corner, sound/ tremolo/ scale/ note/ pitch and random functions in the middle. The HOLD-switches are used to freeze the position of the joysticks. The REC-switches are used to play back the recorded movements of the joysticks. You can switch between the modes SEQUENCER (SEQ) and EXPANDER (EXP) with the switch in the middle of the panel."

CASIO CZ-5000 (1985) Part 2

Published on Apr 13, 2020 Nacho Marty Meyer

"Thank you very much Lizzie D. Ortiz for the fantastic animation at the beginning 💛"

CASIO CZ-5000 (1985) Part 1

Published on Jan 23, 2011 Nacho Marty Meyer

Previous posts featuring Nacho Marty Meyer & the CASIO CZ-5000 here.


Published on Apr 13, 2020 Nacho Marty Meyer

"I found these recordings that I did not include in the KORG EX-800 demo made in 2015: [below] All the sounds were made using only the KORG EX-800 hybrid synthesizer, no external effects or processes were used, I sold this "SYNTHE" in 2018 or 2019 maybe, I loved this machine, if only it had fast envelopes to be able to make percussive sounds because I really like the way it sounds"

KORG EX-800 (1984)

Published on Mar 1, 2015 Nacho Marty Meyer

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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