MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Cinematic Laboratory COLLIDE 4

Showing posts sorted by date for query Cinematic Laboratory COLLIDE 4. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Cinematic Laboratory COLLIDE 4. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, January 19, 2025

432 vs 440Hz concert pitch | Love never dies, but Math never lies.

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"I am aware this is a controversial subject, but I've been intrigued by it for a long time. First, I was open for it, then I became doubtful and ended up in 'it makes no difference' camp. It's just a frequency like any other.
Honestly, this was supposed to be a 'fun' video where I'd investigate the subject like a mad scientist would, without jumping to conclusions.

From a numerologic perspective, 432 is a fun number. When you add all digits, you'd end up with 4+3+2 = 9. If you tune A to 432, the next A would be 864. Again, 8+6+4 = 1+8 = 9. If you'd use equal temperament, all notes in your scale would be integer (whole) numbers with no decimals, and the digits of all frequencies would add up to 9. A440 would have eight 'broken' frequencies in the scale. But that's numerology, it doesn't make music any better or worse. A VCO runs perfectly stable on 345.6701 Hz and it will probably drift all over the place when it's analog. Does 432 make any sense from the perspective of the Universe? Quite. The number constantly turns up in time and space. Ofcourse it also returns in the Great Pyramid and the lightspeed constant.

Again, that's just numerology and it has nothing to do with frequency. That's like apples, oranges or cows. Or is it? Frequency is cycles per second. Cycles are circles moving in time and phase is expressed in numbers like 45, 90, 180 and 360. There's that number 9 again. How about time? There are 4320 seconds in 12 hours. So maybe, just maybe, 432 Hz is not like 432 cows. The number 9 is a funny number.

Mr Spock would say 'fascinating' and raise an eyebrow.

I've set my Mordax Data to 432 and 440 Hz on 'wave generator' so I could play both with a sequence. Sure it sounds different, because it's tuned a tiny bit lower (98,18 of 100%). By itself this would have a psychological effect of relief, of closure. When you start A440 and play A432, it's relaxing.
But this also happens when you move a semitone or note down.

I ran my Mordax raw sinewaves through Joranalogue's Collide 4 and used it as a resonating body (with the filter and the quadrature ring mod).
I ran a sequence spanning a wide range of notes, with plenty of reverb to make the notes interact, blur and sustain. Then, suddenly the differences between A440 and A432 wasn't subtle anymore. It was huge.

Better? I think so, but that's personal taste. Healing? Nah. More natural? I think so too. But there's nothing magical about it, it's math. I figured that a frequency doubles for each octave, so the range of A0 to A9 would sound completely different for 432 and 440. In fact, the high notes in 440 end up 256 Hz higher than in 432. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but A3 (220 Hz) is already one octave below A4 (440).

So my 'conclusion' is that A432 sounds much lower over the full range of 88 piano keys and the highs are less high. Pitch quality is different, it sounds different, and interaction with other complex frequencies will be different. Resonance and FM will be different. It's up to you to determine what sounds best. Please share your experience in the comments, and please note I am just having fun. I don't believe in the 440 conspiracy and I don't think it's bad for your health. I believe ALL music can support a healing process, but always listen to your doctor first."

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Fala Versio | Versio Platform | Episode 13

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"Noise Engineering has just released three new firmwares for the Versio, Legio and Alia platforms. As always, they're amazing and they're free downloads for any of those platforms. Fala Versio is a formant filter that's super easy to use. It will add a lot of vocal expression to your patch. On mild settings you can create choir-like sounds, on more extreme settings it will talk. In short, it's just amazing.

This is a simple video, which was a warm bath after my last Leibniz video. I'll be using MakeNoise Strega, Bruxa, Serge Medusa and the Broken Loquelic as my sound sources which create an excellent mood for the time between XMAS and the happy new year. I did not make any 'best wishes' or 'best of 2024' video this year because I couldn't finish it in time. I also realized that my 'best of 2024' are never going to be my all time favorites (except the new Serge Medusa and Instruo Dail).

Obviously I wish you all the best and I am hoping you'll have a great time patching the modular during the holiday season - and beyond. I'll probably post something before the end of the year.

Serge has been a personal discovery in 2024, so instead of getting the latest modules, I went back to 70's tech and it's a dream come true. I also love Bruxa a lot. Objectively the Joranalogue x Hainbach Collide 4 is a major achievement in eurorack, and it's impossible to ignore DivKid's colllab-contributions to the eurorack landscape, including the Droid patch.

I still need to figure out my DivSkip. XAOC Berlin is a must-have in the Leibniz niche, but on it's own it's just a very basic VCO. Another favorite is Oneiroi and it's cool to see that Black Maths is on the bestseller list, proving the old stuff doesn't get old. The new Buchla/TTA modules are also dreams that came true and it's great to finally have an orginal 259 . I didn't have time to dive into the new Qu-Bit StarDust looper, but I bet it will be worth checking out if you want to escape monophony."

Friday, December 13, 2024

When Worlds Collide | Why I don't need a lock-in amp | COLLIDE 4 Ep. 03

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory


"I didn't realize my episode 01 was about three weeks ago. It felt like three months or more. As you may know, this channel is not sponsored and I usually do my research before I buy a module. So far, it didn't work out well and since I am planning to clean-up my collection in 2025, it ended up on my 'may need to go' list.

Don't get me wrong, I think it deserves the 2024 eurorack design award. It's just me not getting along very well. It's advertised as a lock-in amp, but its main purpose is kind of useless in electronic music. So it's meant to be creatively 'abused' and 'repurposed'. Please note I am not trying to use it as a lock-in amp, I am exploring new creative ways to use it.

Instead of making sure your delicate faint source doesn't clip, you'd go for 30 dB gain compensation, turn up the resonance and then gain the filter some more. It's designed to isolate a faint sinewave hiding in a wall of noise and extract phase and amplitude. But why should we even want to do that? And then there's a simple ringmod, a relatively simple sine VCO with TZFM support and some logic. It can't process stereo signals because it will cancel out your center information.

Since I have a huge collection of modules, I always wondered about making my own 'recipe' with a separate amp, filter, frequency shifter, ring mod and quadrature VCO. I think I came a long way this time, only enforcing the idea that the C4 is 'obsolete' in my collection. So even though it's an excellent module, you'll need to double check if you can build one with separates. It wouldn't be a lock-in amp, but I truly believe I don't need one in its designated role and I will explain why.

If you do not agree, PLEASE don't just dislike this video, but share your tips and patching tricks, so the community will be able to learn how to appreciate it - including myself.

And then I hooked up the C4 with my improvised version, and a wonderful world of magic opened up. It was so good that I decided to keep the C4 after all, and follow that path. So it's an all over-the-place personal struggle video, but I think it's real and honest. We all end up struggling from time to time. However, my number 1 rule is 'when you feel a module sounds bad, you're not patching it right'. It's not always true, but it encourages me to try things.

Hainbach is a master in restoring life to old 'crap' we'd throw away as trash, and I love his work. But I am not Hainbach and he's not included in the box. I can only stumble in his footsteps. Fortunately, I can just be myself and do my own thing. Just like there's nobody like YOU either."

COLLIDE 4 | Episode 04 | Post-Collision Course

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"I felt I had to make this episode before anything else. In episode 03 I posed the question whether or not I'd need a 'lock-in amp' in eurorack. I got myself into kind of a rut after making two episodes, wondering if I made the right decision to get one. And if this happens, I need to openly reflect on that because there's something to learn from it. If it happens to me, it will definitely happen to you too, because I make these mistakes for a living.

By all means I never meant to say 'do we need a C4'. It depends on your own journey. It turns out Hainbach needs four. Blush Response definitely loved every single HP of it. For his genre and style, the C4 immediately delivers. Truckloads of it.

I was hoping to open a discussion and learn from others, but I've also seen signs of the wasp-nest cancel-culture. I've seen comments I had to delete and I permanently muted some. I do not allow any insults to me, my fellow youtubers and beloved manufacturers. To anyone. But I am too old to get angry about it, or take the insults personally. I learn from personal opinions, I learn from revising my own conclusions, and I always rectify a few episodes later, sharing any new insights. This is a good example.

I kind of promised if there would ever be an episode 04, it would be about a C8, a dual COLLIDE 4. I'll need to work some more on that, but the lab now has two. I had to pay for both of them myself, so there's no 'paid promotion' of any kind. There were no discounts. This is also why it's so much fun to run this channel. I try to be honest, but I can't be objective. I don't ever want you to buy two because I did. I want you to know what you're getting yourself into. The COLLIDE 4 is an open platform. It has no intended use except the scientific measurements of cyclic waveforms in noise. What you get out of it is what you dialed and patched in.

Thanks for your patience and resilience, and be nice to each other."

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Collide 4 | Episode 02 | Experiments with SpringRay2, X, Y, I and Q channels and a triphop.

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"I felt I had to do an episode 02 after anything else and maybe this should have been EP01. But you just can't make shortcuts with this module. It takes time to understand it and appreciate it as a sculpting tool. I am slowly getting the hang of it and I just needed to share my progress.

00:00 Introduction
00:37 Intellijel Springray 2 with C4 in the insert/return
03:06 Cancel the IN- and IN+ inputs, with MakeNoise STO
04:16 X, Y, I and Q, with DPO and two XPOs.
07:05 Triphop multitrack jam with the THREE-BODY
10:20 Springtank life under a magnifying glass"

Side note: This appears to be the first post to feature the SpringRay2. You can find posts featuring the original here.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Collide 4 | Quadrature Spectral Computer | by Joranalogue and Hainbach

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"A few months ago, Hainbach recycled the full circle of 1950's being pioneered by people like Mort Subotnick and then miniaturized by people like Don Buchla in the 1960's, then rediscovered by people like Hainbach (and many others I am not familiar with) in the 2020's and then miniaturized into 20 HP by Joran from Jorananalogue in 2024. Hello COLLIDE 4, what took you so long?

I've been intrigued with Hainbach's journey into the vintage and classic scrapheaps of sound but the risk of shock, the smell, weight and size of all this gear made it easy to resist or even explore. I absolutely loved his Totem project making the best drones I ever heard. But this particular rabbit hole was easy to resist. 20 HP is not.

The COLLIDE 4 brings a lot of unfamiliar concepts to the table of sound design, like a Lock-in Amp, a Hilbert Transform Network and a Quadrature VCO. Just when you thought you were getting the hang of eurorack, again you realize you know nothing. It also features a filter, an envelope follower and a phase/frequency shifter. It's all originally designed to detect and possibly isolate little sounds in a soup of very faint noise, so the first thing people do is to crank it up and wonder if it can make normal music. Yes it can, and it saturates like nothing else. Just don't buy it BECAUSE you want to make normal music.

My favorite use case is to explore very faint sounds, like the raw output from a Piezo, an electric guitar or a sensitive electromagnetic sniffer. Theres a whole new world out there for you to discover."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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