MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for CubuSynth Modular

Showing posts sorted by date for query CubuSynth Modular. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query CubuSynth Modular. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

4cubed collection - Introduction

video upload by CubuSynth Modular

"The 4 Cubed collection was designed to cover some of the most needed functions for eurorack in a small and easy to DIY format.
It features Clock generation with probability, Decay envelopes, VCAs and Mixing.

• 4hp / 4channels each
• Essential tools for every eurorack system

4TRG - Quad channel Probability Gate Skipper
• Size: 4 HP / 20 mm
• Depth: 24 mm (measured from the front panel)
• Current Draw:
+12V: +40 mA
-12V: -30 mA

4Decay - Quad Analog Decay Envelope Generator
• Size: 4 HP / 20 mm
• Depth: 24 mm (measured from the front panel)
• Current Draw:
+12V: +24 mA
-12V: -0 mA

4VCA - Quad Audio/CV Analog Voltage controlled Amplifier
• Size: 4 HP / 20 mm
• Depth: 24 mm (measured from the front panel)
• Current Draw:
+12V: +20 mA
-12V: -24 mA

4Mix - Four channel Audio/CV Mixer
• Size: 4 HP / 20 mm
• Depth: 24 mm (measured from the front panel)
• Current Draw:
+12V: +3 mA
-12V: -3 mA"

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Eurorack Filter comparison - VCFA vs Dual CS-20

video upload by CubuSynth Modular

Sound source: SAW-wave from CubuSynth EngineV2

00:00 LP modes with Envelope
00:54 LP Sweeps
02:06 HP Sweeps
02:41 BP Sweeps
03:40 Dual CS-20 (24db mode)

Announcement posts with additional details and demos:

CubuSynth VCFA

CubuSynth Dual CS 20 VCF

Saturday, June 01, 2024

CubuSynth Introduces ConseQuencer 16 step Sequencer and Touch Controller for Generative Melodies

Introduction video upload by CubuSynth Modular

"Our new Sequencer / Touch controller is now available for pre-sale.
Use Code SEQ10 to save 10% off here:
Shipping starts in August.

00:00 Intro
00:39 Keyboard Mode
01:19 Sequencing Modes
03:10 Clock features
03:47 Gate Modes
04:17 Quantizer
04:43 CV link switch
06:22 Jam"

"The CubuSynth ConseQuencer is a powerful tool to create generative, randomized, and complex sequences and melodies on the fly. Featuring touch-activated step selection, versatile gate modes, and configurable CV outputs, this sequencer offers unique possibilities and control over every note. With built-in clock generation and division, five sequencer modes, and a pitch quantizer, the ConseQuencer influences the behaviour of every note that makes part of your Melody, ensuring dynamic and evolving patterns. Perfect for both live performance and studio production, the ConseQuencer brings your musical ideas to life with precision and flexibility.

Key features

Touch-Activated Step Selection:
Instantly activate and set start points with intuitive touch plates.

Five Gate Modes per step:
Choose from HOLD, TRIGGER, REPEAT, RANDOM, and OFF for versatile step behavior.

Dual CV Outputs:
One Quantized Pitch output from the faders plus a second CV output

Clock Division Control:
Adjust the clock cycles per step with a five-position switch for complex rhythmic patterns.

Built-In Clock Generator:
Internal clock with external sync capabilities, ensuring seamless integration.

Sequencing Modes:
Five modes including Forward, Backward, Flip, Random, and Off for flexible sequencing.

Touch Output:
5V gate output for “Keyboard” mode

Pitch Quantizer:
Seven selectable scales for precise pitch quantization and musicality.

Modular Integration:
CV inputs and outputs are compatible with other modular systems for expanded creativity.

Real-Time Control:
Perform live adjustments with ease, perfect for dynamic performance and studio sessions."

Monday, May 06, 2024

Eurorack DIY Protoboards - Build your own Analog Oscillator (3340 VCO)

video upload by CubuSynth Modular

00:00 Solder Main-PCB
03:10 Solder Control-PCB
05:05 Front Panel
06:25 Test Power & install
06:51 Demonstration

Prototype PCBs for Professional looking Eurorack DIY projects.

Create your own Analog VCO on our Eurorack ProtoBoards. Based on the AS3340 chip / Data sheet circuit

Background music made with CubuSynth Modules."

"Prototype PCBs for Professional looking Eurorack DIY projects.

Create your own Eurorack Modules from your Ideas faster than ever with our high quality PCBs and Aluminium Front panels.

The Main PCB is used To place and connect the ICs, Power connector and other components, while the Control Board is used for Potentiometers, Switches, Jacks and more.
The Aluminium Front Panels have markings on the Back, making it easy to drill your own layout.

You can easily build passive modules with only a control PCB and Front Panel.

The Layout of the Control PCBs can support Vertical Potentiometers (RK09....)or Tall Trimmers, Mini Toggle switches, 3.5mm PJ-301 Jacks (Thonkiconns) and more.

4 hp Module Set:
Main PCB + 4HP Control PCB + 4HP Panel

10 hp Module Set:
Main PCB + 10HP Control PCB + 10HP Panel"

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Eurorack DIY Protoboards - Build your own passive mult

video upload by CubuSynth Modular

"Prototype PCBs for Professional looking Eurorack DIY projects.

Create your own Eurorack Modules from your Ideas faster than ever with our high quality PCBs and Aluminium Front panels.

00:00 Drill Front Panel
01:47 Solder PCB
05:53 Demonstration"

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Modular Generative Ambient Music - CubuSynth Modular

video upload by CubuSynth Modular

"11 minutes of a Generative Ambient Patch.
Made with CubuSynth Modules and Prototypes.
+ MusicThing Turing Machine
+ Grayscale Supercell"

Friday, February 02, 2024

CubuSynth - VCLFOv2 Demo Video

video upload by CubuSynth Modular

Video timestamps:
00:00 Intro & Waveforms
01:57 Skew function
02:42 Frequency Multiplier
03:07 CV Inputs
04:33 Outputs
05:10 Step mode & Sync Input
06:00 Jam with external sequence

"The CubuSynth VCLFO v2 is a Complex voltage controlled Low frequency oscillator, with 16 Waveforms, Step control (Sample&Hold style), LFO Sync / Reset, CV control over Frequency, Amplitude, Waveform, Frequency multiplier, Skew and Step Rate.

• 16 Waveforms selectable in two Banks of 8
• Frequency range: 0.05Hz to 12.8Hz (102.4Hz with multiplier x8)
• 6 CV inputs for Multiplier, Frequency, Step Rate, Skew, Waveform and Level
• "Sync" Input for LFO reset, or Step Sync
• 3 outputs:
Uni-Polar (0 to +5V),
Bi-Polar inverted (+5V to 5V / 10Vpp) and
Bi-Polar normal ( 5V to +5V / 10Vpp)"

Sunday, September 03, 2023

CubuSynth Engine V2 Introduction

video upload by CubuSynth Modular

00:00 Intro
00:53 Sine Shaper
01:26 Wavefolder
01:48 RM Output
02:25 AM Output
03:06 Exhaust - Audio optimized Chaos
04:06 Exhaust - Sub-Osc
04:31 Exhaust - Mix Out
05:25 Exhaust - Gate / Trigger
07:50 Sounds

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Create Generative randomized Patch (Krell Patch) - CubuSynth

video upload by CubuSynth Modular

"Different ways to use random triggers and voltages with the CubuSynth modules which result in unexpected results and very interesting sounds.
This patch is fully stereo and is using the CubuSynth Engine (Dual VCO), the Dual CS-20 VCF and the Dual Vintage VCA.

00:00 Triggering from Exhaust (Engine Chaos voltage)
03:42 Triggering from Sample&Hold (VCLFO)
05:35 Krell patch (looping ADSR with Time CV)

Audio is recorded straight from the Dual Vintage VCA's output.
Reverb added after recording."

Friday, April 14, 2023

CubuSynth - Dual CS 20 VCF - Sound Demo

video upload by CubuSynth Modular

"Dual / Stereo Multimode VCF with Self-oscillating Resonance and intuitive Routing and CV modulation Matrix

The CubuSynth Dual CS-20 VCF is a dual / stereo multimode VCF / Phaser / VCO, inspired by the legendary Korg MS-20, with CV control over frequency and resonance. The resonance can self-oscillate and features a 1V/Oct input, stable over at least 2~3 octaves.
Each of the two filter cores has 2 stages of Low Pass and High Pass filtering, which can be blended. The Frequency CV can be “attenuverted” (with inverting attenuator on CV input). The resonance CV comes with an attenuator."

Dual / Stereo Multimode VCF with Self-oscillating Resonance and intuitive Routing and CV modulation Matrix

The CubuSynth Dual CS-20 VCF is a dual / stereo multimode VCF / Phaser / VCO, inspired by the legendary Korg MS-20, with CV control over frequency and resonance. The resonance can self-oscillate and features a 1V/Oct input, stable over at least 2~3 octaves.
Each of the two filter cores has 2 stages of Low Pass and High Pass filtering, which can be blended.
The Frequency CV can be “attenuverted” (with inverting attenuator on CV input). The resonance CV comes with an attenuator.

Key features
- 2 individual Filter cores with common Frequency and Resonance controls
- CV control over Frequency and Resonance for each Filter core
- self-oscillating Resonance with LED feedback circuit (visible on the Front)
- 1 V/oct input, tracking over 2~3 octaves
- Frequency Range: 22 Hz – 20 kHz
- Blend between LP / HP Filter modes
- Ability to use as 2 pole (12db) stereo HP/LP Filter, 4 pole (24db) mono LP/HP or a Band Pass (12db) Filter
- Cross FM Modulation possible

Sunday, January 08, 2023

CubuSynth - 4VCLFO Demo

video upload by CubuSynth Modular

"The 4VCLFO is four LFOs with triangle Outputs in 10hp. It features a knob for the Frequency of each LFO and CV inputs with attenuators.

The 'Aux' input is normalized to the four CV inputs, so you can modulate all LFOs with one signal at the same time. Plugging a cable into the CV input breaks its connection from the aux input.
This way you can create more interesting Modulations for your Patches.

- Modulation routing in this video:
LFO 1 modulates Filter Cutoff frequency
LFO 2 modulates VCO wavefolding
LFO 3 modulates Pitch of VCO (01:00-01:20) and Aux CV (from 1:50)
LFO 4 modulates Release/Decay Time of ADSR"

via CubuSynth

The 4VCLFO is four LFOs with triangle Outputs in 10hp. It features a knob for the Frequency of each LFO and CV inputs with attenuators.

The „Aux“ input is normalized to the four CV inputs, so you can modulate all LFOs with one signal at the same time. Plugging a cable into the CV input breaks its connection from the aux input. This way you can create more interesting Modulations for your Patches.

Friday, November 18, 2022

CubuSynth VCFA Sound Demo

video upload by CubuSynth Modular

00:00 Filtermodes with Saw wave on Input
01:50 VCA on Input stage
02:45 CV (from LFO) on Cutoff Frequency
03:45 CV on Resonance
04:18 "Ringing" mode with Square LFO on Input
05:02 Quantized 1V/Oct on Freq CV + Melodic Jam
09:30 Stepped CV on Freq CV
11:10 Stepped CV on Input + Audio rate FM

The CubuSynth VCFA is a multimode VCF with LP,HP and BP modes with integrated VCA, CV control over Frequency, Resonance and Volume.

The CV input for the Frequency features 1V/Oct scaling over about 2~3 octaves. So you can even create plucky melodies
with the resonance in "ringing" mode.

The Gain control can reach a nice, soft saturation.

Key features

- 3 simultaneous outputs for Low Pass, Band Pass and High Pass
- Integrated VCA on input stage
- Input saturation on upper Gain levels
- CV control over Volume, Frequency and Resonance
- Frequency CV scalable for 1V/oct signals (stable up to 2-3 octaves)
- 'ringing' appears on upper Resonance levels

Thursday, October 06, 2022

CubuSynth Engine

video upload by CubuSynth Modular

"Pure Sound Demo for the CubuSynth Engine.
Warning! Loads of annoying sounds only for demonstration!

100% Sound from the Engine / only ADSR and VCA used for the demo of the Gate Out on expander module.

00:06 - Basic Waveforms
00:54 - Wavefolder
01:28 - Combined Outputs
02:48 - Chaos Output
05:03 - Expander Sub octaves
05:53 - Expander Mix Output
07:43 - Lin FM
09:28 - exp FM (Chaos)
11:15 - external clocked chaos / Noodling
16:20 - Expander Gate Output (with ADSR / VCA)"

Monday, July 18, 2022

CubuSynth Modular - Engine & ADSR Eurorack Modules

video upload by CubuSynth Modular

"The CubuSynth Engine is a Dual analog VCO with wave shaping functions, internal modulations and a chaos generator. It is based around the 3340 chip and features 4 Waveforms per VCO and 4 Modulated Outputs, all simultaneously."

CubuSynth Engine Prototype noodling

"Been busy over the last months to develop a dual analog complex VCO for Eurorack.
This is a Prototype quite close to the finished module."

Build Guide - CubuSynth ADSR Eurorack Envelope Generator

"visual build guide for the CubuSynth ADSR"

Pics & module details via

"CubuSynth Engine

Complex analog dual VCO
Designed to bring a complex VCO, with a huge amount of possibilities and internal modulations to the DIY world, this module stands out for its visual appearence as well as its audible quality and possibilities

How it works
The CubuSynth Engine can work as 2 independent VCOs, or as a complex FM oscillator with its several modulated outputs.

With its inernal 'Chaos Engine' it creates semi-random voltages, generated by the 2 oscillator cores. This signal is then normalized to the CV inputs for Pulse width modulation and exponential FM.

Each of the 2 VCOs offers a switch to select one of the 4 waveshapes to be used by the wavefolders, and the linear FM input normalisations.


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