MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for TheSynthFreq

Showing posts sorted by date for query TheSynthFreq. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query TheSynthFreq. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Yamaha QX-1 Digital Sequencer Recorder

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Demo video in the listing previously posted here. Danielle aka TheSynthFreq used one in this video. BTW, although the GoFundMe for Danielle was a success, you can still contribute if you initially missed it.

Thursday, March 04, 2021

Roland Jupiter-8 The Arpeggiator | Magic!

video by Espen Kraft

TheSynthFreq's Jupiter-8!

"I'm an arpeggiator addict. I've always been drawn to the synths that has built in arpeggiators. The Jupiter 8 has one of the best arps on any vintage synths, maybe the best even.

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Not necessarily because I'd use it in every song, I like to play my arps myself, but to me it's an instant source of inspiration, but also very usable in a live situation. Octave bass, fillers or just a fun way of chopping up the chords.

The arp in the Jupiter 8 is very cool. It defaults to the "Poly 2" key mode, but it can be used in all the key modes actually, in Unison as well.
In this video I also clock it from an external trigger (the 808) where I have programmed a 16 step accent that goes out of the 808 through the "accent out" and in to the JP8s arpeggio "trigger in".
You can also use DIN-sync from other external gear and the JP8 then gives you the possibility to change the clock divider, also from the back switches.

Using the trigger accents means that you can program any pattern you want and have the arp play according to the steps programmed so you don't HAVE to use only a 16 beat pattern."

Monday, September 02, 2019


Published on Sep 2, 2019 MsMotif6

The last video from MsMotif6, aka Crystal of TheSynthFreq, dates back to 2017. It's great to see her back again.

"Solo, original composition by Crystal of TheSynthFreq (TSF) using an original Yamaha Motif 6. This song is written using 9 tracks, no computers, sequencers or pre-programmed parts, drum machines and no looping used. Drums were played by hand using the keys only. Guitar is modulated via pitchbend wheel which is in the foreground (left hand). This song is meant to inspire and also show my passion as an disabled musician for composing/performing. Everyone, please enjoy and feel free to comment and subscribe! check out our other band channel: TheSynthFreq.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Published on Sep 26, 2017 MsMotif6

"Original composition of TSF Thesynthfreq (Crystal & Danielle Morales) using original sounds and drum patterns. Jupiter 8 lead patch by Danielle. Background string patch on Yamaha CS by Crystal. Please enjoy!"

Thursday, June 08, 2017

Gofundme for TheSynthFreq

Many of you will be familiar with TheSynthFreq from previous posts here on MATRIXSYNTH. MATRIXSYNTH reader midierror wrote in to let us know she has a Gofundme page up for anyone that would like to help her out.

From the Gofundme:

"Most of us in the synthesizer world have at one point or another come across Danielle Morales AKA TheSynthFreq's Youtube channel. It's full of the quirky demos, tips, and music of a woman that obviously loves her synths. What may not be as obvious because she doesn't make it clear in her videos is that she has some fairly serious, life long medical issues. Danielle is deaf-blind, and has been in and out of the hospital many times over the last few years, suffering through strokes that have left her partially paralyzed. Her Facebook feed is a story of endless struggle, yet I have never seen her ask for help or fish for sympathy, she takes it all in stride as best as she can. It is simultaneously heartbreaking and inspiring to watch.

Last night she made a post on Facebook asking for advice on how to sell her gear, because during her most recent ICU stay she needed an emergency intubation... and during that process nearly all of her front teeth, top and bottom, were knocked out, and her insurance is refusing to cover the cost of dental prosthetics. She has described to me the way she looks now with no front teeth as "shocking". This is unacceptable. She absolutely should not have to trade her music for the ability to leave her house without appearing "shocking". I contacted her after seeing her for sale post to ask if she was comfortable with a fundraiser, and she is, so I ask you- my fellow synth nerds across the planet- if you have even a dollar to spare to help this ridiculously strong woman get some sense of normalcy back to her life without losing her music in the process, please help her out. 100% of whatever is collected will go straight to Danielle, I have assigned all financial control of this account to her. Also, if anyone reading this is a dentist/owns a dental lab/ has any relevant connections in the Austin, TX area and would be willing to donate professional services, please feel free to contact us."

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Call to Help the SynthFreq & MsMotif-6s

Published on Dec 18, 2015 TheSynthFreq

This one is in via Greg Cole with the approval of Crystal Morales aka MsMotif-6s. Many of you will be familiar with the SynthFreq and MsMotif-6s work over the years. If you are in a situation where you can help, please do.

"Many of you know Danielle Morales, also known as SynthFreq on Youtube. Danielle and her sister Crystal have been making fantastic synth videos and great tunes for years now, check out their work here if you haven't already 'Filtered Maze' by TSF.

They both have quite serious ongoing health problems and have been going through some very hard and frightening times lately with these and also accomodation issues and the potential need to sell off their beloved synths to try and keep their apartment. They are struggling to resolve this themselves as Danielle has had to be rushed to hospital a number of times recently.

I'm hoping people would be willing to donate a small amount to help out and make sure the synth freqs get to keep the gear which makes them so happy and a roof over their heads. Danielle also creates fantastic art, some of which is synth-related so alternatively you could help out by purchasing some of her work.

You can make a donation to her paypal address which is: [or Crystal's here:]

Any amount would be helpful, I'm sure. I'm hoping the community can get behind this and make sure these girls can keep their gear and keep making awesome synth videos. I'm sure we all understand what a difference creating music can make to our lives when times are tough.

On behalf of Danielle and Crystal, thankyou for your help."

Friday, December 18, 2015

"Filtered Maze" by TSF

Published on Dec 18, 2015 TheSynthFreq

"2015 TSF
Have a listen to our new tune and find our where the maze ends!
Featuring Yamaha Reface CS and Reface CP, Korg EMX (808 set), JV-1080. We love the Reface synths!
Danielle- Reface CP, Korg EMX
Crystal- Reface CS, JV1080
Thank you for listen and please enjoy!!
We always welcome comments and questions!"

Monday, December 07, 2015

Yamaha Reface CP and CS Demo Test Videos by TheSynthFreq

Published on Dec 7, 2015 TheSynthFreq


After some time since creating our last videos here on youtube, we have returned to show some amazing new Yamaha synths. The Yamaha Reface CP and the Yamaha Reface CS. Here at our studio we just love these synths for what they can do. I will be creating new videos often showing the details of these synths, the sounds, modifiers and everything about the keyed and other features present in these synths.

After seeing the Yamaha Reface synths for the first time in September at KnobCon held by STG sound labs, we just couldn't put these synths down. In fact at the convention we kept visiting the Yamaha booth and playing these Reface synths and visiting with Yamaha about their new product. After playing these synths for the first time, my mind was changed on what the exterior of the synths said, and let the synth's sounds do the talking!

If you like what you see here, the Yamaha Reface synths (CS,CP,YS,DX) can be found at

if you like portable synths with a great sound and features, these new synths are just the keys to meet the need!

Please enjoy!

Yamaha Reface CP and CS demo test video 2 (80s)

Published on Dec 7, 2015 TheSynthFreq

"test video 2 Yamaha CP and CS demo video improvisation.
Yamaha Reface 80s improvisation.
Here at our studio we have been working with the new Yamaha CP and CS synthesizers and working on incorporating these new synths into our composition style. So far we have been very pleased with these new synths and really have been impressed with how flexible these synths sounds are and how many endless options for sound creation there really is with the seemingly small number of options at first glance. The sounds are really well created with these synths and I think we will keep these synths around for a while. :)
Great work Yamaha!

please enjoy the 80s vibe!

Monday, June 22, 2015

SynthFreq 2015-06-06 House Show Performance

Published on Jun 22, 2015 Mickey Delp

TheSynthFreq & MsMotif6

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Yamaha DX-7iiFD: Classic Tines + electric bass (split patch A/B)

Published on Apr 1, 2015 TheSynthFreq

"Hi!! :)
I'd like to introduce to you, my Yamaha DX-7iiFD! This fantastic synthesizer is full of awesome classic 80s sounds. This video is a short improvisation using patches: Tines and Clav bass. I have these two patches split so that patch A (clav bass) is not sustained by the hold pedal while patch B ( tines) is able to be sustained with the hold pedal. The split sustain feature in the DX-7iiFD is just fantastic to work with and really makes the DX-7iiFD function as two synthesizers all on one set of great action synth keys.
I have not owned this synth long and I already love it. It fits into every song very well and the data cartridge also functions great."

Yamaha DX-7iiFD Classic Tines improvisation

Published on Apr 1, 2015

"Hello out there in synthland! This video features that classic all familiar DX-7 Full Tines. In this song, I am improvising and writing what comes to mind from just the way the sound effects me as I play it. This sound has a calming effect and shimmers gracefully when played carefully. Tines are programmed here (preset 5), to have a nice KF setting so that the higher frequencies ring brightly at the higher register and sound softer and more mellow in the lower register of the keyboard. I am of course thrilled with this preset and find it very useful for those classic ballad, slow 80s songs where a delicate full tines sound is needed."

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Radikal Technologies Spectralis and Accelerator played by TheSynthFreq and MsMotif6 at Knobcon 2014

Published on Sep 16, 2014 MIDERA

"TheSynthFreq at Knobcon, enjoying the Radikal Technologies Accelerator. Sorry about the use of the iPhone and poor sound quality!"

"TheSynthFreq and MsMotif6 jamming out with Radikal Technologies gear! Sorry about the low quality of video/audio. They were jamming on this gear for about an hour! It was great to meet them and listen to them play!

See more of their work:"

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Improvisation: Motif-6 Leslie Organ and JV-1080 Bass & "Shinto" by TheSynthFreq & msMotif-6

Published on Jul 1, 2014 TheSynthFreq's channel·209 videos

"Hi everyone! SynthFreq here. :) This composition is an improvisation session using the Yamaha Motif classic Leslie Organ (controlled via Midi from the Roland Alpha Juno-2) and the Roland JV-1080 bass that is controlled by the Roland A-90.

Although this song isn't 80s, it does use an 80s drum kit simulation on the iPhone also programmed.

Synths used:
Yamaha Motif-6 classic- Organ Leslie- Danielle
Roland JV-1080- Bass- Crystal
A-90- midi controller
Juno-2- midi controller

Please enjoy!"


Published on Jul 1, 2014

"New 'ethnic' style composition using the Yamaha Motif-6 flute with delay and reverb as well as Motif-6 cymbals. Roland JV-880 is used for a classic analogue string patch and Roland D-50 patch "Juno clav" is used for the accompaniment.

Synths: Yamaha Motif 6 classic
Roland JV-1080 and JV-880
Roland S-10 sampler- midi controller for JV-880

Please enjoy! :)"

Thursday, January 30, 2014

New Roland Jupiter-8 Tracks by Danielle aka TheSynthFreq

"Its Got To Be Magic" by Danielle Published on Jan 29, 2014 TheSynthFreq·209 videos

"Hi! The new year of 2014 is starting with some fast paced pure Jupiter-8 magic. :) I recorded all tracks just from the analogue Jupiter-8 only. The only sounds not from the Jupiter of course is the drum track. The drum track was written and programmed by me using an awesome app for the iphone called FunkBox, using a Linn drum machine emulation.

Track 1 on the 4-track recording machine (MRS4b), is chords, drums and bassline all in one take at one time just like using a real tape machine. Now venturing in to the world of audio track over track recording, many more possibilities are available for recording full complete songs with our beloved analogue synths that do not feature MIDI or the MIDI implementation doesn't allow multi-timbral recording to a 16-track midi sequencer.

Synths used: ONLY JUPITER-8 :)

Please enjoy the pure Jupiter-8 funkiness!
:) Danielle"

"Evolve" by Danielle

Published on Jan 29, 2014

This purely Jupiter-8 new wave style composition features new patches recorded to 4-track. Only 2 of the 4 tracks are used here and lead is played live.

This song is about evolving positively in every day.
Keep things synthy out there everyone! :)

Please enjoy
:) Danielle"

"Forever and Ever" by Danielle

Published on Jan 29, 2014

"Hi! :)
Here is a somewhat Rock/synth pop kind of composition, with a soundtrack to an 80s movie kind of feeling to it. I used all new original Jupiter-8 patches and used 2 tracks to the audio recorder which is on the stand above the Jupiter-8. I recorded JP in split mode, bass on the lower end and strings/synth on the top end of the keyboard.

The lead patch is a massive lead sound that has been set to mono or "solo" on the Jupiter-8 and also has some mild portamento added in for control with the pitchbend.

This lead is originally played in harmony with the Moog Liberation keytar.

Please enjoy :)"

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Roland Jupiter-8 + TR-808 Trig Seq.

Published on Dec 10, 2013 TheSynthFreq·205 videos

"Hi everyone!
TSF here. :)

This short video is featuring the Jupiter-8 arpeg. clocked to the TR-808 trigger out. I am demonstrating the 808's precise control over the arp in JP-8 using EXT on JP, JP-8s ability to be modified while the 808s triggers are being received and then further in the video after some editing of the patch I plug the 808 AC TRIG OUT directly into my mixer channel strip so you can hear exactly what JP-8 "hears" from the 808. It is a high amplitude signal.
If you do not have an 808 but wish to trigger the JP-8 or JU-6/60 or any other synth that receives trigger in, it CAN be done. There are several other great videos demonstrating this on youtube by other users. Also,, to trigger the JP (or other synth/drum machine) you will need a high amplitude sound or short duration "spike" kind of pulse from another source. Drum sounds seem to work well for JP-8, even a drum sound sent directly into JP from the Yamaha Motif6 triggered JP's arp.
Here is some information on the 808s trigger out:

808 has 3 trigger outs. They are CB, CP, and AC all of which are located on the back of the 808 which I show the camera when I am picking up the 808. Keep in mind these trigger outs will function simultaneously along side the actual (cow bell CB), (clap CP) and the (AC accent) function/sound. If you do not want to hear the sound along side the trigger, you can simply turn down the individual volume for each, a nice feature of the 11 sounds on the 808.

A 'TRIG' or Trigger is a high magnitude voltage or transient spike, 808 provides 3 trigger outs, each trigger signal is a positive 15 volt, 20 millisecond pulse. It is very loud and will peak a mixer channel easily as it did on mine.

Some ENV/ADSR settings to approximate the short trigger of the 808 could be suggested as:

(synth: JP-8) ADSR- A= 1mS-5mS, D=1mS-10mS, S= 0-100%, R= 1mS-10s
(Also keep in mind that the Decay time and Release Time on an analogue synth like JP-8 are the same parameter just placed at different sections of the ADSR or "Shaped control voltage".
A= 0 meaning the attack time of the ENV should be 0 so that there will be a quick instantaneous response once the key or other trig/gate is started/pressed. A- controls the amount of time required for env voltage to reach its max level after a gate signal is received.
D= 0 to 2 or to the setting that works best. The decay time controls the amount of time required for the voltage to fall from its level at the end of the end of the attack time to the level set by the sustain control.
S= 0%. there needs to be no sustain for a short sound. Sustain control determines the level to which the voltage will fall at the end of the decay time.
R= 1mS- release of the gate signal. The amount of time required for the voltage to fall to its minimum level after the release of the gate signal.

Please enjoy this simple arp/808 jam.!
:) TSF"

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Roland Jupiter-8: "Arctic"

Published on Nov 20, 2013 TheSynthFreq·204 videos

"Hello :)
This is a new patch for the beautiful Jupiter-8. This sparkling kind of timbre is rich in harmonics in the higher frequencies and through the use of VCF key follow/track, the lower frequencies on the lower end of the keyboard are softer in perceived loudness. There is a slower attack time for both of the ENV 1 (filter) and 2 (amp)."

Casio CZ-5000 chorus+delay strings

Published on Nov 20, 2013 TheSynthFreq·204 videos

"Hello! :)
As all of us synthesizer fanatics out there know, digital synths can be known for being non-organic and of a bright timbre which can be useful at times if mixed well with other sounds even analogue ones. Here in this video I do not attempt to create a "Jupiter-8 patch" program on the CZ-5000 but I attempt to show a Phase Distortion "rendering" of an analogue kind of string patch. Also note that there is chorus and delay added on to the CZ to add a "liquid" quality to the sound.

With the CZ-5000 (and any CZ series synth) the "FILTER" modifications such as DCF and KF parameters are operated by Rate and Levels within the DCF. To change the DCF values for "filter frequency", vary the settings in Rate and Level in Step 1-3 depending on the programmers choice of timbre.

Please enjoy!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Roland Jupiter-8 tape save procedure

Published on Oct 24, 2013 TheSynthFreq·202 videos

"An introduction to tape save procedure of patch/sound program data from the JP-8 to a standard cassette tape/player."

I remember that sound backing up my synths. Like a dial-up connection as well!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"Industrial World" 2013

Published on Oct 23, 2013 TheSynthFreq·201 videos

"Hi everyone! SynthFreq here with a new composition titled "Industrial World" written by Crystal (msMotif-6), performed by Danielle and Crystal using the following synths:
Jupiter-8: filtered bell patch
Roland D-50: bright ice
Roland Alpha Juno-1: Z-lead
Roland A-90ex: split syn bass/(midi) to JV-1080 pulse lead
Yamaha Motif-6: percussion live set

Please enjoy!
:) TSF"

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Knobcon Rehearsal

TheSynthFreq & MsMotif6 prep.

via Suit & Tie Guy on Facebook

Knobcon starts tomorrow.

Friday, August 09, 2013

Tribute to Mr. George Duke, by Danielle

Published on Aug 9, 2013 TheSynthFreq·200 videos

TheSynthFreq will be performing at this year's Knobcon.

"Upon hearing the very sad news of Mr. George Duke's passing, I wanted to offer a short tribute song I composed just for him. This composition is of a "jazz style" (which is a rare style for me to play in, please pardon any incorrect structures). I used a simple fret-less bass/electric piano split mode on the Yamaha Motif-6. The jazz drum pattern is 'performance' pattern that is running in the background. The bass and the ep are improvised.
I am very inspired by Mr. Duke for his amazing talent and wonderful music he has given the world. May you rest in peace. :)

:) Danielle"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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