Thursday, October 26, 2006


I just realized I haven't put up a post for Synrise yet. I've referenced the site in a number of posts but never put up an actual post on the site itself. So here you go. If you haven't been there before, do check it out. It's one of the original synth sites out there. tipped via

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Lightner's Sliders

Via Reed: "We recently replaced the sliders in my Multiple Arbitrary Function Generator with beautiful, new, well-lubricated ones obtained at a reasonable market value from Kevin Lightner's parts store. The best part for us: Kevin & Monica offer sliders which haven't been pre-cut down to the insanely short Arp standard length. Anyone with Arp synthesizers & sequencers, Buchla Marfs, Easels or Comb Filters should look no further than Synthfool for all their impossible-to-find part needs."

Click Buchla 200 image for much larger shot.

Music for Robots

via Simon:

"An old record called ‘Music For Robots.’ The first side seems to be mostly narrative, but the second side, ‘Tone Tales of Tomorrow’, is all vintage synth wackiness."

Title link takes you there with a direct link to download the record for free. I love this stuff. You guys get to hear it first, as I need to step out for a bit. Thanks Simon! BTW, check out other posts on Scar Stuff for more.

music for well tempered touchscreens

Via porchka66.

Roland JD Synth Competition

Title link takes you there.

via Don Solaris.

New from Trogotronic

Model 655 Analog Generator/Effect $135.00
A little sister to the "665", the Six-FIFTY-FIVE adds an oscillator but looses a pre-amp chip, a few knobs and $45 off the sticker price. Hear samples on the website alone and effecting poorly played guitar and really bad digital drums.
CV Controller Joystick $165.00
Necessity is the mother of invention: frustration with an interface born before the light bulb between myself and an analog modular synth' begat the "Iron Cross CV". It is an Analog Synthesizer Controller�Joystick� compatible with any synth' rig that uses the control voltage standard and is available in right or left handed configurations. Hear a quick and extremely dirty demo of one working out with a real nice PAIA on the website.

Iron Cross 2.0 Audio Controller $200
Yeah, we know, 200 bucks is a lot... But it's also a lot LESS than 300+ bucks that it cost to buy version one... Those who bought one then have never looked back and "won't leave home without one". Those who still don't have any idea what this thing is about might be a little closer to finding out:
The stick itself is a premium, heavy duty Japanese job with�action�and feel�superior to anything available here in the states. Problem is the the best materials are cumbersome and expensive to import.
So we refined the design and chassis materials to make the unit easier to use, easier to build and cheaper to produce... everybody wins including the curious and elusive grandpa selling the best joystick on earth in his 2 square meter shop in Nippon.
For the first time at there's a sound sample (thanks to the fellas in Geronimo) of the Iron Cross in action.

Land Mine "True" Bypass $50
Claymore Super Bypass $100
Since we recommend NOT jumping feet first on any of the analog generators that we sell we offer sturdy little stomp-boxes to take the hit.
LAND MINE is as simple as can be: one stomp is "on", one more is "off". "On" routes the signal through the effects send jacks, "off" bypasses the effects loop altogether. Or it can control a signal by ignoring the bypass altogether and using the box alone as an on/off switch.
CLAYMORE�works the same but has two extra switches... the switch on the right works the same as the Landmine's but the one on the left is a momentary, only "on" as long as you step on it. The middle switch selects which of the two is being used, and the indicator lamps tell which of the two is active.
Both are passive 'true" bypass designs (to make sure the sound you put in is the sound you get out) and both are compatible with any gear that uses 1/4" phono plugs... so you could route signal to an auxiliary amp' or to and from your Barbarian with a tap of the toe.

All of these things are at and all are hand built by Free-Range, non organic Smog-Breathing Troglodytes in LBC, USA.

New Audio Damage Product Teaser from Analog Industries

Something new from the wizard is coming. Filters and beats, oh my!

PNW06: James Demos His Roland CMU-800

Continuation of this previous post. James Gallant demos his Roland CMU-800 at this year's Pacific Northwest Synthesizer Meeting. No title link. Unfortunately I cut the last video short thinking I better keep the video small to upload. The tune ends, James takes a bow, and we all laugh. Hard work James. : )

Matrixsynth Search Engine

You might notice a new search box on the right frame of this site. Google just came out with custom search engines. In short you can create a custom search engine that favors particular content based on keywords you specify along with websites to give preference to in your searches. I used the list of sites on my old site along with synth, synthesizer, analog, modular and sequencer as the keywords to start. I wanted to keep it basic and general and even thought about removing analog modular and sequencer, but then thought synth and synthesizer might skew towards synthetic materials. BTW, the search will include other sites as well. The sites and keywords are meant to help make the results more relevant. Take a look at the list of URLs in the left frame of my old site and feel free to suggest URLs to add in the comments. But, please make sure you verify the URL is not on the list first. I don't want to do that work for you. : ) Title link takes you to the homepage of the Matrixsynth search engine, but something tells me it will be too difficult to remember, so... Just use the search box to the right.

juris lieblingsspielzeug

flickr by toke vamos.

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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