MATRIXSYNTH: digital asr

Showing posts with label digital asr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital asr. Show all posts

Sunday, May 07, 2017

VCO auto-tune capability being added to Ornament & Crime (still a work-in-progress)

Published on May 6, 2017 Tim Churches

Tim Churches is one of the three people behind Ornament & Crime. mxmxmx aka Max (Superbooth interview here w/ DivKid), and Patrick Dowling I believe are the other two. It was first introduced on the site on February 27, 2016 under the Digital ASR moniker.


Proof-of-concept tap-tempo in Quadraturia app in O&C

Published on May 7, 2017 Tim Churches

"Still more work to do, but tap-tempo basically works in Quadraturia. Also added frequency multipliers as well as frequency dividers for channels B, C and D with respect to the master frequency of channel A. The frequency multiplication and division works with tap tempo as well. In this video, the frequency multiplier set to 8 initially, so there are 8 LFO cycles between each tap input. In the second half, the multiplication fact is adjusted. Anyway, the point is that it is adaptively adjusting the frequency to match the rhythm of taps (generated by a Mutable Grids)."

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Superbooth 2017 - Ornament & Crime

Published on Apr 25, 2017 DivKidVideo

"Max one part of the trio behind the open source Ornament & Crime module gave us some history of the module and a quick introduction to the new chord sequencer."

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Prova Ornament & Crime

Published on Apr 11, 2017 Dave 33543


Prova Ornament & Crime Parte2

Published on Apr 11, 2017 Dave 33543

Sunday, March 05, 2017

Ornament + Crime 4 voice poly

Published on Mar 5, 2017 Flohr

"4 voice polyphonic patch using the Ornament and Crime CopierMaschine Analog Shift Register app"

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Ornament & Crime Eurorack Euclidean Rhythms 4MS SMR Ambient Beats

Published on Jan 4, 2017 mylarmelodies

"The multi-function Ornament & Crime Eurorack module in Euclidean rhythm mode, sequencing four elements rhythmically, (Intellijel Dr Octature II for the Bassdrum using 0_C's Env, Intellijel Cyclebox for the 'klang', Intellijel Shapeshifter for the 'bwoop-payohh', 4MS channel 3 for the 'poot') accompanied by 4MS SMR drone. Mixed output through Make Noise Echophon (short delay) and Erbe Verb.

Euclidean rhythms are ace.
Ornament and Crime is ace.

Graded with Filmconvert (which is ace)"

Friday, October 28, 2016

Patch Notes #25 - The #3ModuleChallenge

Published on Oct 28, 2016 Voltage Control Lab

"Getting in on the Modular Podcast #3modulechallenge with this Patch Notes. Using 3 of my favorite Eurorack modules, Make Noise DPO, Mutable Instruments Clouds and Ornament & Crime.

Stick with me here, this one is complicated.

The modulation oscillator on the DPO is in LFO mode. The Saw out is routed to clock the TR1 input on Ornament & Crime, which is in Copier Maschine mode. Clouds right audio output is routed to the CV1 input on O&C, as the cv source for the analog shift register.

Channel A on O&C is routed to the DPO 1v/oct input on the main oscillator, and stackable'd to the Clouds position CV input as well. Channel B is routed to the fold section CV in. Channel C is routed to Clouds density CV in. Channel D into the Clouds 1v/oct input.

DPO modulation oscillator triangle wave output is routed to the Clouds right channel input. The sine wave out is patched to the angle section CV in. The expo FM input is set to 3 o'clock, linear FM to noon. The FM bus is set to 1:30.

The main oscillator sine out is stackable'd out to the shape section CV input, and fed back into the main oscillator expo FM input. The square wave output is patched to the Clouds texture CV input, and the Final output is patched the Clouds left input channel.

Clouds is in granular processing mode, and is routed out through the Malekko Mix4 for volume control and recorded clean into the Native Instruments Audio 10."


Published on Oct 28, 2016 neutron7

"Ornaments and crimes, maths, orgone accumulator."

Friday, October 14, 2016

Patch Notes #23 - Quad Turing Machine Mode in Ornament & Crime

Published on Oct 14, 2016 Voltage Control Lab

"Testing the deeper functions in Quantermain mode in Ornament & Crime, the quad turing machine mode to be precise! This is an extremely useful and exciting module.

A clock coming from Make Noise Tempi, which is sequencing the 0-Coast. The 0-Coast is routed to the Mutable Instruments Warps for some delay through the Parasites alt firmware, and on to the Malekko Mix4.

Tempi is also clocking the Malekko Varigate 4. One channel is triggering the Slope section in the 0-Coast, which is not modulating the 0-Coast, but rather shaping the kick drum routing inside the Roland Scooper which is also routed on to the Mix4.

Another channel on the Varigate is routed to trigger the Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas. All 4 channels on the Ornament & Crime are modulating functions on the BI: pitch, decay, morph and fold. All 4 channels are triggered by Tempi at the TR1 input.

Make Noise René is also receiving clock from Tempi, sending it's QCV out to the DPO, and Xgate out to the Malekko ADLFO. The DPO final out is sent to the Optomix, and then out from the mix output to the Mix4. One channel on the ADLFO is routed to the Optomix channel to open LPG, another is controlling FM depth between the oscillators on the DPO.

The Roland System 1m is played live via the Qunexus keyboard, routed out through the Aux input on the Optomix."

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Quad Turing Machine Mode in Ornament & Crime

Published on Oct 11, 2016 Voltage Control Lab

"Buried within Quantermain mode, the polymorphic Ornament & Crime Eurorack module is hiding a Turing Machine on each of the 4 available channels, a powerful and popular looping randomizer."

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Patch Notes #22 - Eurorack Sequencer in Ornament & Crime

Published on Oct 5, 2016 Voltage Control Lab

"Patch Notes #22 explores the Quantermain mode in the polymorphic Ornament & Crime module, a 4 channel Eurorack pitch quantizer with 48 different scales and some amazing hidden features.

Ornament & Crime is in Quantermain mode, of course. Trigger3 and CV3 are receiving cv and clock out from the DU-SEQ, fitting the sequence into an Ionian scale and then out from channel C to the pitch input on the Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas. The clock for the sequencer as well as the pattern sequence for the BI are being controlled via Reaktor Blocks and the F1 controller seen in the distance.

The gate out on the DU-SEQ is routed to Mutable Instruments Braids trigger input. Channel D on the O&C is set to Turing Machine mode, instead of receiving pitch cv from another source. This mode randomizes a stepped series of cv voltages, and can freeze a certain number of steps and loop them. This mode is routed out from channel D to Braids. To enable some control over the randomization and looping, I routed a row on Make Noise Pressure Points to CV1 on the O&C and selected CV1 as the voltage source for the channel D Turing probability. A specific step on the PP is selected, so that corresponding knob can be used as a voltage offset, locking the random Turing sequence into a loop.

Braids is then routed out to the Vintage Synth Lab VCF-74, and on to the Mutable Instruments Warps running the Parasites alt firmware in delay mode. So beefy.

Another trigger sequence from Blocks is routed out of the Audio 10 DJ (NOT a DC coupled interface) to the Malekko ADLFO, which is controlling the noise hihat in the Roland Scooper. Yet another sequence is routed to the second channel on the ADLFO, with one envelope routed to the Scooper kick drum (see our Roland Aira Drum Machine tutorials) and a second envelope routed to the FM input on the Tiptop Audio Z-3000. The square wave out is routed to the Make Noise Optomix, which is also being modulated by an envelope on the ADLFO, and then down to the Malekko Mix 4 with the rest."

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Pitch Quantizing With Ornament & Crime

Published on Oct 4, 2016 Voltage Control Lab

"We've spent a lot of time with the Ornament & Crime. One of the more popular uses for the module is as a pitch/cv quantizer in Quantermain mode, shifting voltages to more harmonious scales."

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Patch Notes #11 - Analog Shift Register with Ornament & Crime

Published on Aug 3, 2016 Voltage Control Lab

"Patch Notes in the description! Our musical exploration of the Analog Shift Register function in Copier Maschine mode in the marvelous Ornament & Crime DIY Eurorack module.

The Analog Shift Register sequences are being triggered by Make Noise Tempi into the Tr1 input on Ornament & Crime. A channel of Make Noise Maths acts as the S&H CV source routed through the external influence input on the Wogglebug, then out of the stepped random output into the CV1 input on the O&C. Channel A of the O&C is routed to the Sputnik Oscillator, B to the Malekko Anti-Oscillator, C to Mutable Braids, D to the Tiptop Z3000.

All of the oscillators are in tune, each sending a triangle wave out to the Malekko Mix4, which is routed up to Mutable Ripples filter. Out from the LP4 output on Ripples into a channel on the Make Noise Optomix low pass gate. The filter cutoff on Ripples is modulated by the cycling channel 1 on Maths, which in turn is being modulated by the smooth random output from the Wogglebug.

Another channel from Tempi is used to trigger the Intellijel Dual ADSR, which is modulating the Optomix channel in time with the sequence shifting. Channel C on the Malekko Varigate is routed to retrigger the envelope to add some randomized polyrhythmic action to the chords.

The bass is coming from the Make Noise DPO, receiving a 12 step sequence from the Korg SQ-1 which is being clocked from Tempi. The Final output is routed through the Make Noise MMG filter in low pass mode, and on to another channel on the Optomix, which is being modulated by an envelope on the Malekko ADLFO (triggered by the SQ1 sequence).

A channel from Pressure Points is routed to the external FM in on the main channel on the DPO, with the four steps tuned to harmonically modulate the sequence when that touchplate is triggered.

The kick is coming from the Malekko Dual Borg/Envelator combo, the snare from the Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas, and the hihat from the Scooper, both drums routed through the Scooper inputs and out along with the hihat sound. Each pattern is programmed and triggered from the Varigate, which is being clocked and reset by Tempi.

The mix output from the Optomix is routed through the delay in Mutable Warps Parasite firmware."

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Analog Shift Register in Ornament & Crime Copier Maschine mode

Published on Aug 2, 2016 Voltage Control Lab

"One of the few modes that we have not yet explored in Ornament & Crime is the Copier Maschine mode, a 4 channel Analog Shift Register for the Eurorack modular synthesizer."

Friday, July 29, 2016

Patch Notes #9 - Quadrature LFOs with Ornament & Crime

Published on Jul 29, 2016 Voltage Control Lab

More here.

"Here's our latest Patch Notes video using the Quadraturia mode in Ornament & Crime as a set of complex modulation sources in the Eurorack system.

Ornament & Crime is sending output A to the Trigger input on Mutable Instruments Braids, clocking the internal envelope in the Bees in the Trees alt firmware. Output C is routed to the Timbre input, while D is sent to the Color in.

The wave shape is set to something like a sawtooth (around +64), with the spread set to around -40. The LFOs are frequency shifted to -128, creating a natural rhythmic relationship between the waves. Phase modulation is also enabled.

Make Noise Tempi is resetting the O&C LFOs at the Tr1 input, while 2 LFOs from the Triangle and Mayhem outputs of the Malekko Anti-Oscillator are modulating the LFO frequency at CV1 and shape spread into CV3. One channel from Pressure Points is routed to control wave shape as well on CV2.

Braids is in Meta mode, modulated at the FM input via the stepped random out from the Wogglebug. The randomization is being influenced by the CV output from René which also has the QCV routed to control the pitch on Braids.

Tempi is clocking everything, including Brains (and Pressure Points), René and Wogglebug, as well as the Malekko Varigate 4 and the Korg SQ-1.

The SQ-1 is sequencing the pitch and envelope on the Make Noise 0-Coast, which is generating the lead. The Slope section output is routed to the FM input on the Oscillator.

The Hihat is coming from the trusty Roland Scooper noise generator patch, triggered by a cycling Channel 4 on Maths. The off tempo cycle is modulated via the Both input using 4 rows on Pressure Points routed through the Doepfer A-151-2 Sequential Switch, creating a 16 step pattern modulating the rate of the cycling clock. This gives the hihat the offkilter feel.

The Kick is coming from the Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas. A pattern from the Varigate is routed to the input on the Malekko Envelator. The two positive output envelopes are routed to trigger the module as well as modulate the pitch to give more punch to the attack.

All routed to the Malekko Mix 4 and out through the Mutable Instruments Warps running the Parasites alt firmware to add some delays."

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Complex Quadrature LFOs With Ornament & Crime

Published on Jul 26, 2016 Voltage Control Lab

"In addition to the handy Euclidean Rhythm functions, chord-generators and odd modulation sources we've examined in the past few weeks, Ornament & Crime can generate quadrature LFOs."

Monday, July 25, 2016


Published on Jul 25, 2016 Tim Churches

"A demonstration of the Ornament & Crime CopierMascine app."

Great looking modules. Love the transparent colored acrylic faceplates.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Patch Notes #7 - Lorenz Attractors With Ornament & Crime

Published on Jul 21, 2016 Voltage Control Lab

"Patch Notes exploring chaotic voltages generated by Lorenz attractors using the Low Rents mode in Ornament & Crime, a multi-purpose, open source module for Eurorack modular synthesizer.

Ornament & Crime is sending the Lx1 XORed to Rx1 out from channel A to control the Timbre on Mutable Instruments Braids in WTx4 mode, while channel B is sending Lx1 to Braids 1v/Oct input. Braids is quantizing the incoming signal to a Minor Pentatonic scale.

Channel C (set to Ly1) is controlling the Fall time on Make Noise Maths channel 4. Braids is routed to the Mutable Ripples filter and out from the LP4/VCA output, which is being controlled by Maths.

Tempi is clocking René which is sequencing the bass part in the DPO. The final output is routed through MMG and then the Optomix, all from Make Noise. The X-Gate output from René is routed to trigger two envelopes on the Malekko ADLFO, one routed to control the bass channel on the Optomix, the second triggering the other set of 3 envelopes in the ADLFO.

One of the ADLFO envelopes is routed to the DPO Mod Bus Index, giving the bass a bit of grit and grime here and there. Another of the envelopes is routed to the MMG filter cutoff to shape the timbre of the bass.

Tempi is also clocking Brains and Pressure Points, 5 channels from which are routed to the Pitch, Decay, Morph, Fold and Spread inputs on the Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas, which is generating all of the high frequency percussion. Tempi is also clocking the Wogglebug, which is routed to the BI Harm input.

Patterns are being generated by the Malekko Varigate 4, also clocked by Tempi. Channel A is triggering Maths, the envelope controlling Ripples on random steps, about 50% probability of a note each step. Channel B is controlling the BI, with a slightly lower chance per step than channel A. Channel C is the kick drum pattern, which is coming from the Malekko Dual Borg (as seen in a previous tutorial video). Channel D routed to another envelope on the ADLFO, and then to the Strike input on the Optomix, controlling random plucks of the bass, with different note probability per step, and about 50% chance of repeat per step."

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Butterfly Effect in Eurorack With Ornament & Crime

Published on Jul 20, 2016 Voltage Control Lab

"Steeped in chaos and unpredictable motion, the Low Rents mode in Ornament & Crime uses Lorenz Attractor differential equations to generate 3 dimensional shapes, which can be output as CV."

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Patch Notes #5 - Ornament & Crime Harrington 1200 Mode

Published on Jul 13, 2016 Voltage Control Lab

"Patch Notes from our recent exploration of the Neo-Riemannian chord generating Harrington 1200 mode in the Ornament & Crime Eurorack module.

Tempi is the central clock, first routed to the X clock in on René in snake mode, which is playing back an 8 step pattern. QCV output is routed to CV 1 input on Ornament & Crime as the root note source sequence.

O&C is routed to 3 oscillators, Mutable Braids, Malekko Richter Anti-Oscillator and Sputnik Oscillator, each sending a triangle wave shape through the three channel inputs on the Make Noise Optomix, which is acting as a mixer in this case.

The mixed output is sent to the Make Noise MMG Filter in Low Pass mode and then through another homemade VCA, both modulated by the two envelopes on the Intellijel Dual ADSR.

Tempi is also clocking Pressure Points via Brains, which is controlling chord inversion on the O&C.

Tempi is clocking the Varigate 4 as well, which is routed to trigger a Malekko Dual Borg Filter Kick, a snare in the Basimilus and a hihat in the Scooper. The 4th output is randomizing hits and repeated triggers on the Dual ADSR, to give the chords some more complex rhythmic action.

All of these sounds are mixed through the Mix4, and then through Warps Parasite delays. I think that's it!"

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Chords With Ornament & Crime Harrington 1200 Mode

Published on Jul 12, 2016 Voltage Control Lab

"Ornament & Crime can perform many functions, including generating complex chord structures based on an incoming sequence using Neo-Riemannian theory in Harrington 1200 Mode.…-harrington-mode/"

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