MATRIXSYNTH: Ken Stone's Programmer/Sequencer

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ken Stone's Programmer/Sequencer

Bookmarking this one for "one of these days." Title link takes you to more info. Be sure to check out the rest of Catgirl Synth.

"The Programmer/Sequencer is a Serge inpired multi-stage sequencer. Unlike most sequencers, this one makes no use of binary counters. Rather, it uses a set of individual stages, each one directly accessible. As such it could be considered to allow "random access". The first sequencer produced by Serge was a 4017 based counter that put out gate pulses. In order to get a control voltage sequencer, the gate outputs were fed to the input stages of a multi-state programmer. Usually built in groups of four, but sometimes coupled through a switch, these programmers would only allow a single stage to be active at any time, outputting the corresponding control voltages to their bussed output jacks. The stages could be selected either via a gate/trigger input or a panel mounted push button."

1 comment:

  1. I love putting circular thing in rectalinear layouts!

    It messes with their minds man!

    Like recruiting Barba Poppas into the Nazi Waffen-SS.


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