MATRIXSYNTH: Suzanne Ciani on 3-2-1 Contact

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Suzanne Ciani on 3-2-1 Contact

YouTube via magneticring. Sent my way via gerald.

Remember this post? Looks like someone finally put it up on YouTube.

Oberheim OB-X, Sequential Circuits Prophet 5, Buchla

Note: the original YouTube vid has the title as "Suzanna Ciani on 3-2-1 Contact" I usually do not change titles others create, but in this case it was leading to some confusion in the comments so I went ahead and corrected it in the title of this post. The video on YouTube still has Suzanna as of this note as I have no control over that.


  1. I thought this had been posted before. Love this video, she sounds lovely!

  2. nice sounding banjo!

  3. Anon one, look at the "remember this post" link. When I put the old post up the site that originally hosted the video received so much traffic they took the video down. Some people missed it.

  4. damn, ciani looks baked out of her gourd

  5. oh, cool. I actually had missed that earlier post myself but had seen this on youtube a while ago and assumed you had posted it already, as you're always on top of things. and well... you had posted it :)

    It's a great clip.

  6. I wish they'd put those onto DVDs...

    that basement set, where it was raining 99% of the time, used to feak me out.. I have no idea why.

    I miss the old days where everyone on tv didn't look like a model from abercrombie and fitch..:(

  7. i think this has been on you tube for a long time actually. i remember seeing it there before the first post even. might have had a different name.

  8. There's no greater typo than spelling a person's name wrong. Ain't that right, Mutrix?

  9. this particular episode was very inspiring to me when i was a child... I'm glad that I saw it.

  10. Yeah, I noticed the typo as well anon. It threw me off at first.

  11. I guess we have to spell it out for you.
    It's Suzanne, not Suzanna.

  12. Me too Matrix.
    Thankx Anus.

  13. I fully expected them to start kissing each other before the video ended...

  14. yes, Suzanne Ciani has a very sexy voice! ;)
    A nice lady and nice synths -the best!! :D

    Nick the space_nerd

  15. Thanks so much for posting this!!!!

  16. that's hot.


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