MATRIXSYNTH: Radiohead Broadcasts on New Years Eve

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Radiohead Broadcasts on New Years Eve


"Dear Reader

Hope you are having a peaceful christmas.

As you may now have heard we will be broadcasting a pre-recording of some songs and other bits on New Years Eve.. you will be able to view it online from here at midnight new years eve, uk time that is...

as well as other places that i am not sure about. this is a wee celebration of the release of the physical manifestation of 'in rainbows'.

yours hopefully

Picutured: Johnny Greenwood and his Analog Systems French Connection and Modular. The French Connection is based on the Ondes Martenot.

Recuerdos de la Alhambra played on a French Connection

The above features the French Connection by Stretta (previously posted)

"After watching the Jean Laurendeau Ondes Martenot video on youtube, I was inspired to seek out an Analogue Systems French Connection controller. It so happens that I came across a used unit, so I jumped on it. I received it two days ago and I was eager (perhaps too eager) to contribute a demo of my new toy to youtube. Yes, my intonation is questionable. My apologies.

All the music was generated exclusively with a (primarily Doepfer) modular synthesizer, one monophonic line at a time. This exercise is somewhat of a test balloon for a long form modular project I'm currently sketching out.

Correction: the original piece is Recuerdos de la Alhambra by Francisco Tárrega"



    Another cool vid, this time of the original.

  2. Yep. Thanks mr. array. Remember folks, always check out the label links at the bottom of each post for more. You can find the video mr. array linked to and a few more under the Ondes link.


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